Chapter Fourteen: We're Insecure

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Your POV■

I watched as Camila tore down the pictures. I hugged her from behind and tried to pull her away. "Come on, let's go. Let's get out of here." I whispered but Camila pushed me. I stumbled back and she shook her head.

"I only told you about this. You had to tell someone! Or maybe you did this! Did you think this was all a big joke? Was I all a big joke? You took my biggest insecurity and made it a reality! I want to hate you but I just can't. I love you and it hurts me even more that you had the nerve to do this to me." Camila shoved me and I frowned.

"Camila I-" I tried to console her but she pushed past me. Camila ran out of school and I looked at the people who were looking at the pictures. As soon as I caught a glimpse of Ariana I slammed her against the lockers.

"Why?" I asked angrily and Ariana shook her head. She tried getting out of my grip but I slammed her against the lockers again.

"I didn't do this! Y/N you have to believe me, I'll help you. I'll help you fix this." Ariana pleaded. There was something in her voice that made me believe her so I put her down and took a step back from her. My four favorite teachers came out of their office only to stop dead in their tracks.

"Everyone get to class! You've got ten seconds before I start giving out detentions!" Mr.Styles yelled. This was the first time I have ever heard him yell at anyone. He started ripping the pictures off the wall angrily while Louis and Liam helped him.

"Hansen and Kordei help us clean this up." Mr.Horan ordered and both girls started taking the pictures down. Dinah pulled me aside and I looked down at the floor.

"I know you didn't do this, I know that you'd never do anything to hurt Camila. I just don't want her to start getting picked on again. She's had enough of that already and I don't want History to repeat itself. I don't want her to transfer schools again but what I do want is for you to find out who did this crap." Dinah shook her head disapprovingly before ripping everything off the wall. She started running across the hall while she tore the pictures down, Normani and my teachers doing the same.

"Everything's down. Now let's go to the gym and start figuring out who the hell did this." Mr.Horan ordered and we all ran inside the gym. Ariana pulled out her laptop and started typing rapidly. We all stared at her and she smirked.

"I can hack in the school's system." Ariana stated proudly and I ran a hand through my hair.

"If you figure out who did this, you'll pass my class." Mr.Tomlinson said and Ariana smiled. Dinah started to kick soccer balls across the gym and Normani went on the other side to catch them. I could tell Dinah was angry since she kept aiming for Normani's head.

"I got the footage but I can't quite figure out who it is." Everyone ran over to Ariana and we all watched the computer screen. It showed someone posting the papers all over the walls. I squinted to try to get a better view but I couldn't quite see who it was. Liam took the laptop and zoomed in the screen.

"Cross necklace." His eyes widened and I ran inside Mr.Malik's classroom. "Don't interrupt my class." Mr.Malik said angrily but I smirked and grabbed Lauren. I pulled her out of class and inside the gym.

"Why are you so angry?" Lauren played dumb so I laughed bitterly. She frowned and crossed her arms. I smiled and pinned her against the wall.

"You know what you did Lauren, don't play dumb. I really don't understand why you would do something like this. The Lauren I know would never do this, what happened to you Lauren, huh? Look at me when I fucking talk!" I snarled and Lauren averted her gaze from me.

"I'm sorry." Lauren sounded guilty but I just couldn't bring myself to feel bad for her.

"Sorry isn't going to solve anything Lauren! You are a piece of shit and I regret ever dating you! If you were a good friend you'd want me to be happy! That's all I want for you but you really don't want me to be happy, do you? Why would you fucking do that? What did Camila ever do to you? You self-absorbed ignorant bitch! Fuck Lauren, you don't understand how much I want to hit you right now. But I just can't bring myself to do it, I'm not that type of person." I punched the wall angrily making Lauren flinch. Lauren gulped and I glared at her.

"Maybe you can't hit her but I can."

A/N: Since this chapter is short...I'll update chapter fifteen!

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