Chapter Eleven: We're Too Close For Comfort

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"I love you, y/n."

As soon as those words came out of her mouth I felt extremely happy. I bombarded her with kisses and she started to laugh. "I love you more." I whispered and a smile took over her face.

"Can we just stay here, like this?" Camila asked and I gave her a quick kiss. "Anything for you." I cuddled up to her and she smiled. Camila turned away from me and faced the wall. I frowned and hugged her from behind.

"I want to kiss you." I said playfully and she sighed. I laid face down on the pillow and Camila started to whine. "I'll give you a kiss but you have to cuddle with me." I pushed her away and she groaned. I felt her lay on top of my back so I rolled over. We both ended up falling on the floor and she burst out laughing. I smiled and crawled over to her. "Give me my kiss." I ordered but Camila turned her head away from me.

"No thanks, but thanks." Camila ran out of the room and I chased after her. She disappeared into the living room and I looked around for her. I quietly walked over to the couch and jumped on top of her. "Give me a kiss and I'll let you go." I pinned her arms over her head and she gave me a quick kiss.

"When I said take advantage of the time, I didn't mean you should have sex on the couch. Now get off of her before I throw this tomato at you." Rita took out a tomato from her grocery bag and threatened to throw it. I chuckled and hopped off of Camila.

"Y/N put the groceries away, I have to get ready for work." Rita demanded and I took the bags from her hand. Camila followed me into the kitchen and I started to put the groceries away.

"Aunt Janima, John Jemima? Whatever this is called are you sure they go in the freezer? Why is there bread in the fridge is that sanitary?" Camila asked, clearly confused. I laughed at her mispronounciation and she pouted.

"It's Aunt Jemima and Rita always puts the bread in the fridge so I'm guessing that it is sanitary." I reassured her and she helped put everything away. Once we were done, we both laid down on the couch and started binge watching shows.


"Those two weeks with you were amazing." I leaned in to kiss her but when someone walked down the hallway she pushed me away. I gave Camila a confused look and she gave me a nervous smile.

"Sorry, I thought that was a teacher." Camila pulled me inside the bathroom before giving me a chaste kiss. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"We have to go back to class, Mr.Payne is probably looking for us." Camila pecked my lips and we both ran back to class. Mr.Payne was being oddly polite today and he actually let us have a free period. Dinah and Normani were sitting across from us and they were being super flirtatious with each other so I turned to Camila. I reached for her hand but she quickly moved it away.

"My hands are extremely sweaty." Camila wiped her hands on her skirt and I gave her a fake smile. After History, I went to art class and completely ignored Mr.Styles. I was staring at the clock, waiting for the bell to ring so I could finally see my beautiful girlfriend. After what seemed like hours the bell rung and I ran to the cafeteria. Lauren was sitting at our usual table and I hadn't realized how awkward the situation would be. I quietly walked past her but she pulled me back.

"I know we broke up but I'd like it if you didn't ignore me. Can you please sit down?" Lauren asked and I hesitantly took a seat across from her. Soon enough Normani, Dinah, and Camila joined us and I felt a bit relieved. I kept on trying to steal kisses from Camila but she'd shoot me down every time. Whenever I reached for her hand she'd make up an excuse and I started to get frustrated.

"Camila can you come with me to the bathroom, please?" I whispered and she nodded her head. We both walked inside the bathroom and I locked the door. Camila looked utterly confused so I took a step towards her. I leaned in to kiss her and this time she complied. I abruptly pulled away making her frown.

"So you kiss me when there's no one around but you won't let me kiss you or hold your hand when there's people around. Camila I love you and I want to be able to kiss you and hold your hand in public! Can you tell me what I did wrong or why you're acting like this?" I crossed my arms and she frowned. Camila kissed me quickly before grabbing my hand.

"Y/N can you please let this go?" Camila asked softly and I pulled my hand away. Camila reached for my hand but I quickly moved away. She leaned in for a kiss but I pushed her away.

"Doesn't that get annoying? Doesn't that hurt you? That's what I have been dealing with all day. I am not going to let this go until you tell me why you've been acting like this." I walked up to every stall and opened each one. I turned back to Camila and gave her a fake smile. "There's no one in here so you can start talking."

"Y/N damn it! I love you too but people won't approve of us! I'll ruin your reputation! You've worked so damn hard just to get where you are and I don't want to ruin it. I'm not a damn cheerleader, I'm not perfect, I'm not popular, I barely have any friends, we're complete opposites! You're popular, you're fascinating, you're beautiful, and you are so damn talented. Don't you get it? You deserve better. You'll get so much hate if we take this public. Everyone will just criticize us and I don't want that to happen. I already went through so much crap and I don't want to have to transfer schools again." Camila had tears streaming down her face and my heart broke at the sight. I couldn't even believe what she had said.

I just couldn't understand how someone so beautiful could be so insecure.

A/N: Just a reminder that you're beautiful and I love you. Thanks for reading another chapter, I hope you enjoyed it.

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