Chapter Three: We're Distraught

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{Your POV}

"Who's Camila?" I dropped my phone and jumped off the couch. My sister eyed me and I put my hand over my heart.

"I thought you were Lauren! Rita, you gave me a heart attack!" I threw a pillow at her but she dodged it. Rita snatched my phone out of my hands and I tried to take it away from her.

"Sure thing, anything for you. Oh god, y/n what have you done to this poor girl?" Rita handed me my phone back and I sat besides her.

"She's just a girl that I'm working on a project with. No big deal." I chuckled and Rita furrowed her eyebrows. She hit the back of my head and I yelped.

"I've taught you better than that. If you cheat on Lauren or if you toy with the poor girl's heart, I will beat you up. Do you understand me?" Rita said sternly and I nodded my head. She ruffled my hair and kissed my cheek.

"Let's go to bed. I don't know about you but I'm exhausted." Rita went into her room and I entered mine. I laid down on my bed and turned on my phone, only to see that I got a text from Camila. I smiled and quickly unlocked my phone.

C: Is it just me or are you excited for Friday?

Y: I'm kind of nervous and excited. I've got to admit that our school has tough competition.

C: You'll be fine! It doesn't matter if you win or lose. The point of being on the field is to have fun.

Y: I guess you're right.

C: I have to go tuck my sister in, I'll text you later. Goodnight, y/n.

Y: Goodnight Camila, make sure to tell your sister that I said sweet dreams.

I let out a dreamy sigh and Lauren came out from the bathroom. I turned off my phone and put it under my pillow. Lauren straddled me and I raised my eyebrows. She planted a quick kiss on my lips before laying down beside me.

"Goodnight babe." Lauren rested her head on my chest and I started playing with her hair.

"Goodnight beautiful."


"Wake up Lauren! We have school!" I jumped on top of Lauren and she smiled. I rubbed my nose against hers before getting off her. I fixed my uniform shirt and Lauren ran off to get ready. My phone started ringing so I quickly answered the call so Lauren wouldn't hear it.

"Hello?" I put the phone up to my ear while I packed my soccer uniform.

"Hey, I just wanted to ask if you still wanted me to wait for you by the front door." Camila spoke from the other side of the phone and I noticed that her voice was raspier than usual. I've got to say, it was kind of attractive. "Y/N?" Camila asked, snapping me out of my daze.

"Sorry, I just got distracted. I still do want you to wait by the door for me." I answered and I could hear Camila shuffle around.

"Bye!" Camila said and I could hear pure excitement in her voice. I laughed lightly before hanging up. Lauren came out of the bathroom, dressed and ready for school. We walked downstairs and into the kitchen where Rita was.

"Babe, can I use your phone for a minute?" Lauren asked and I gulped. Rita stepped in between us before pulling out her phone.

"Here just use mine." Rita handed Lauren her phone and I smiled at my sister. Lauren gave Rita her phone back before walking out of the house and into my car.

"You are the best sister ever!" I spun Rita around and she giggled. "Get to school." She patted my back and I ran out of the house and into my car.

"Lauren did I ever tell you that I love you?" I kissed her cheek and her face lit up. "I love you too." Lauren smiled and rested her head against my car window. I drove quickly to school, not wanting to make Camila late for class. I parked my car and I gave Lauren a quick kiss but she pulled me back.

"Bye." Lauren said as she hugged me tightly, I smiled and kissed her forehead. Lauren pulled away and ran inside the building. I looked around for Camila and once I saw her, she waved at me. I waved back and started to walk towards her.

"Hey look it's Camila the nerd!" I heard someone shout, they knocked Camila's books out of her hands and I felt my blood boil. I ran towards Camila and I stood in front of her.

"What's wrong with you?" I shoved the girl and she smirked. "The famous y/n! Why are you protecting this nerd? You should be hanging out with girls like me." I laughed bitterly and she stepped back. I clenched my fists before talking.

"Why would I want to hang out with a piece of crap like you?" I raised my hand to hit her but Camila pulled me back.

"Please don't, can we just go to class?" Camila's voice cracked and I sighed. Another girl ran up to us and I glared at her.

"Sorry y/n, my friend Ariana has lost her head. I'll take her away from you." The girl forcefully pushed Ariana away from me. I picked up Camila's books and put them inside her backpack.

"Mila look at me." I spoke softly but Camila didn't listen. I groaned and raised my voice slightly. "Camila, look at me." She stopped walking and turned to face me. I took her backpack from her and slung it over my shoulder.

"Mr.Payne will just have to wait." I scooped Camila up in my arms and walked into the nearest bathroom. I placed our things on the floor and I put Camila down.

"Mila, how much does this happen? Was this the first time it happened to you?" I asked and Camila averted her gaze from me. "No." She immediately broke down and I wrapped my arms around her. I locked the door and we both sat down on the floor.

"It's okay baby. I promise you that I will beat up anyone who tries to pull a stunt like that again." I whispered into her ear, making her smile. I kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes.

"If you need something don't hesitate to call me. I'll come running to you. Promise that you'll call me?" I stuck out my pinky and Camila giggled. She wrapped her pinky around mine and I smiled. We both got up and walked to class together. Once we entered the room everyone's heads snapped towards us. Camila bit her lip signaling that she was uncomfortable so I put my arm around her waist and leaned in next to her ear.

"Sit down baby, I'll make up an excuse for us." Camila sat down and Mr. Payne stared at me intently.

"Why are you two late to class?" Mr.Payne looked at Camila and then at me.

"It's that time of month and I didn't have any pads-"

"Okay you're excused." I shrugged and dramatically walked down the isle. I plopped down in my seat earning a few giggles from the class. Camila looked at me and smiled. I reached for her hand and she didn't hesitate to hold mine. Her hand fit exactly with mine, it was quite unbelievable. I gave her hand a light squeeze before turning my attention back to Mr.Payne who was teaching us about Greek Mythology Camila was staring at him intently, I could see that she was fascinated with the topic. I watched her intently, taking in the sight, memorizing every single thing about her.

"Y/N, we have to go to our next class." Normani whispered into my ear and I slung my backpack over my shoulder. Camila smiled and gave me a quick hug.

"See you in music." She kissed my cheek and I felt my face get warm. She walked off with Dinah and Normani put her arm around me.

"You alright?" Normani asked worriedly.

"She's perfect-uhhh let's go to class! We don't want to be late now do we?" I pulled Normani down the hall, hoping that she didn't notice my slip up.

We're Too Different [Camila/You]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz