Chapter Two: We're Driving

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(Your POV)

"Y/N we have to get ready for school." Lauren shook me lightly and I groaned.

"I worked my ass off yesterday at practice and I had to go to work afterwards. I'm tired, Laur. Can we please just take the day off?" I whined and Lauren bit her lip. She furrowed her eyebrows and thought for a second.

"Neither of us have practice today and your sister already went to work, I guess missing one day of school wouldn't hurt." Lauren plopped back down on the bed and I crawled on top of her. I rested my forehead on hers and she smiled.

"This is why I love you." I gave her a quick kiss but she still had her eyes closed. I kissed her forehead and Lauren grinned.

"Y/N I love you so much, you don't understand. I'm completely head over heels for you. Come cuddle!" Lauren sighed and I chuckled. I tried running out of the room but Lauren wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Y/N!" Lauren whined so I laid down on the bed next to her. She rested her head on my arm and I wrapped my other arm around her. After a few minutes Lauren fell asleep so I decided I'd get some sleep too.


"Laur....Lauren! Zendaya is calling!" I shook her lightly trying to wake her up. Lauren angrily took her phone out of my hands and answered it.

"What do you want Zendaya?" Lauren asked impatiently and all I heard was her side of the conversation. She hung up and ran to my closet. Lauren grabbed her cheerleading uniform and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I thought we didn't have practice today but it turns out I do. Can you give me a ride?" Lauren asked while she slipped her uniform on. I nodded and grabbed my car keys from the counter. I waited until Lauren put her shoes on, she looked up at me and frowned.

"Do I look okay?" Lauren asked worriedly as she ran a hand through her hair. "You always look perfect." I kissed her quickly before scooping her up in my arms. Lauren squealed and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"We're taking my motorcycle." I said as I put my helmet on Lauren's head. I got on my motorcycle and Lauren sat behind me with her arms around my waist. I smiled and hurriedly drove to school.

"I love you!" Lauren yelled as she hopped off my motorcycle. Before she got in the building, she turned around and blew me a kiss. I caught it and blew one back to her.

"I love you too! I'll pick you up later!" I yelled back. Lauren went inside the building and I slowly drove around the half empty parking lot. I saw Camila walk out of school and run outside on the field. I parked my bike and walked over to her. I stopped dead in my tracks when she started doing tricks with the soccer ball, I sat down on the bleachers to watch her. She accidentally sent the ball flying over to me but before it could hit me, I kicked it back to her.

"You're really good." I complimented and she shook her head. I signaled for her to pass the ball to me and she did.

"Let's play a game. Whoever let's the ball hit the floor loses." I headed the ball to her and she quickly hit it back. After about twenty minutes of playing, Camila hit the ball lightly but before it could hit the floor I slid forward and kicked it forcefully, making it fly over her head.

"Better luck next time, Cabello." I winked at her and she rolled her eyes. I turned around to tie my shoe and the moment I bent down, Camila threw the ball at me.

"I win! I win!" She chanted as she ran away, I quickly got back on my feet and chased after her. Camila tripped but before she could hit the floor, I caught her.

"I tripped on air." She said nonchalantly and I burst out laughing. "Who trips on air?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I guess I do." Camila smiled and my heart fluttered. I had one arm wrapped around her waist and she had her arms around my neck. Camila realized how close we were so she quickly stepped back.

"Camila, you should really try out for soccer. You're amazing, you'd be a great addition to the team." I put my arm around her shoulder and we both walked towards the parking lot.

"I wouldn't fit the role." Camila rested her head on my shoulder and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?"

"Everyone has expectations about athletes. You're supposed to be fit and good looking. I'm neither of those things." Camila started fidgeting with her fingers. I stopped walking and so did she. I flicked her forehead and she glared at me.

"Don't say that ever again! You are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen and you're extremely talented." I raised my voice slightly and Camila smiled.

"I'm still not trying out for soccer." Camila started walking again and I followed behind her.

"C'mon Camila! Please, do it for me." I pouted and wrapped my arms around her. "Please." I kissed her cheek repeatedly until she gave in. "I'll try out if you win the game on Friday." Camila smirked and I huffed.

"It's tough competition and you know it. During the month of you being here, I'm pretty sure you've heard of our biggest rivals." I crossed my arms and Camila raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well I guess I won't have to worry about trying out for the team." Camila started walking away but I pulled her back.

"You have a deal. If I win you try out. If I lose then you won't have to worry about me nagging you." I stuck out my hand and Camila hesitantly shook it. "Where are you going now? I'll give you a ride." I pointed to my motorcycle and Camila shook her head.

"I didn't ask you if you wanted a ride. I'm giving you one no matter what." I said sternly and Camila pouted.

"Y/N, I am not getting on a motorcycle." Camila pushed past me and I grabbed my helmet. I put it on her and she groaned.

"You'll be fine, I promise. Just hold on tight and give me directions to your house." I revved the engine and Camila sat behind me. I started driving slowly and she quickly wrapped her arms around me. I chuckled and picked up my speed.

"Take a right- Y/N! Slow down!" Camila yelled worriedly and I smirked. I took a sharp turn and Camila tightened her grip on me. I could sense how scared she was so I slowed down.

"I'm sorry, I'll stop playing around." I felt her move closer to me and I couldn't help but smile. Once we got to her house she hopped off the motorcycle.

"Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow." Camila planted a kiss on my cheek and I froze up completely. I felt her put the helmet on my head, snapping me out of my daze.

"Please text me as soon as you get home." Camila wrote her phone number on my hand and I nodded.

"Camila!" A woman shouted, I'm assuming it was her mom. I kissed Camila's cheek and waved goodbye to her mom. Her mom waved at me and I drove back to my house. As soon as I got home, Lauren started yelling at me.

"You were supposed to pick me up! I was waiting at the parking lot for at least an hour. I had to call Ally and ask her for a ride. Where were you?" Lauren said angrily, her arms were crossed and her eyebrows were furrowed. She was kind of intimidating and I didn't feel like arguing with her so I kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry, I completely lost track of time. It won't happen again, I promise." I hugged her and she sighed.

"I'm going to take a shower." Lauren pulled away from my embrace, she walked upstairs and once she was out of sight, I pulled out my phone.

Y: You C: Camila

Y: Just wanted to let you know that I got home safely.

C: Good, I'll see you tomorrow.

Y: Tomorrow morning can you wait for me by the front door?

C: Sure thing. Anything for you.

My heart fluttered and I plopped back onto the couch. I felt someone rest their head on my shoulder.

"Who's Camila?"

We're Too Different [Camila/You]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon