Me? Confusing? Impossible

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Men are stupid, but you gotta love them

What is life you may ask? Well I'm here to tell you that it is a roller coaster going up and down and maybe even strait until you die. It's been four months since Teddy kissed me and told me that he still loves me. And since then he hasn't tried anything with me. Nada. How does one confess there love to you, kisses you then BAM! Doesn't do anything anymore? Maybe he did take my advice and I guess moved on. Apart of me wishes he didn't, but the other half of me is kinda delighted. Why you may ask? The world may never know.

"Okay everyone listen up!" Mr. Sánchez called out to all the fifty students in my Spanish class. "We will be going on our senior college trip in three days! So you know what that means we-"

"WE GON GET SHIT FACED!" One of my classmates yelled out and everyone laughed.

"No Micah, but thanks for that out burst. That means we have to pack starting today. I'm talking to the ladies I know how y'all over pack and we are close to graduating. We are close to starting our future and finally being done with school. Who's excited about this?!" Everyone screamed, shouted, hollered to the best of their ability to show their excitement.

"That's what I like to hear. Okay guys. I'll meet you in this room Friday morning. Be here 6:30 am sharp. Class dismissed." I'm honestly excited for this trip. I get to go to Barcelona and see some fine ass Spanish men and go visit the unfinished church La Sagrada Familia. I walked out of my classroom, out of the building, then walked to the parking lot getting in my car. I sat there for a while letting everything sink in. I can't believe it, I'm about to graduate college. I remember when I was graduating high school and it didn't dawn on me until I shook my principal's hand and when she handed me by diploma. Good times good times. But now you Cyra Blu are about to graduate from college. You go girl. I praised myself. I started the car and played my rock gams.


I got out of the shower taking off my shower cap. I was about to put on my lotion, but my phone range. Walking to my room I picked up my phone.

"What do you want Teddy?" I heard his deep laugh and smiled a little.

"Hello to you too beautiful."

"Teddy what did I say about-"

"Complementing you? I can't help myself you know that." I walked back to my bathroom and put him on speaker.

"Uh huh." I took out my lotion and started to lotion up my body.

"So my dad tells me you're going on a senior college trip to Barcelona?" I could hear the uneasiness in his voice.


"Oh okay I was just making sure... well can I come over?" Why does he want to come over? I thought he was hanging out with Steven today? I'm guessing S cancelled their planes so she can have alone time with her boo. "Hello?"

"Hey uh yeah. You can come over."

"Okay. I'll be there in a few minutes." Then he hung up. I finished moisturizing and put on my pajama shorts and T-shirt. Hmm... maybe I should dress a little sexy to tease Teddy or is that mean? Nope. Not mean at all. He's the one that kissed me and didn't try anything anymore I mean damn fucking kiss me. But you know what maybe it was for a good reason maybe he found somebody else...

I went to my door and opened it revealing Teddy in his pajama pants and a loose black T-shirt. He was holding up some horror and scary flicks then showed me his amazing smile. He probably just picked up any at his place. He just buys movies even if he doesn't like them.

"I thought we should have a three day sleepover until you go to Spain." And that's when I noticed his duffle bag. "No funny business, just us friends staying in the house for three days. Not leaving to go anywhere just having simple plain boring as fun." I smiled. "What do you say amor?" I rolled my eyes.

Men are stupid, but you gotta love them (BWHM)Where stories live. Discover now