Cuddle cuddle? Or snuggle snuggle?

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Men are stupid, but you gotta love them

"He wants to spend the night."

"Okay and? You acting like he wanna have sex sheesh." I rolled my eyes at Sasha and took my drink to the head. Damn I wish it was vodka.

"But I'm nerves okay? Yeah we've been dating for two and a half months now and-"

"And you still didn't let him hit it." She said shaking her head in disappointment.

"S! This is serious."

"Yes babe. Maybe he's big you know like yo boy and-" Sasha slapped Steven across the head. "Dammit babe I was just joking." S rolled her eyes and looked back at me.

"Chill C. He probably just wanna do a little cuddling you know? You don't have to worry about a thing."

"Plus Teddy is a cool dude. I like him."

"Yeah I noticed you like him, because all the time he comes over ya'll drink beer and play video games." I said crossing my arms. Ever sense they met they've been inseparable.

"Hey he's my boy."

"Oh shut up." Sasha said pushing him.

"But he is!"

"Okay we get it. But what do you wear when your boyfriend just wanna cuddle?"

"I'm out." Steven got up and went to Sasha and his kitchen making a sandwich.

"A G-string and a long shirt." S said happily.

"S you know when I wear "long shirts" it's actually a shirt on me."

"Oh yeah oh yeah. I forget you're an Amazon sometimes."

What if he can't sleep because of my snoring? I mean I don't snore I just make weird noses. But what if when he wakes up he'll scream when he sees me?! I'll have my bonnet on looking like a grandma and my face will be all poofy. Teddy is gonna have second thoughts on being with me. Cyra you just need to stop being so paranoid. Paranoia is not good for the skin. Which reminds me, I haven't exfoliated. My dad Ali is gonna kill me.

"Cyra just act like how you usually act when he comes over okay? I promise everything will be peachy."

"Peachy like my baby's pussy!" Steven yelled coming out of the kitchen. Sasha grabbed a pillow throwing it and Steven ducked in the process. "What'd I do?"


"Hey babe I missed you!" Teddy said entering my condo. I left Sasha and Steven's condo around ten then Teddy came right over.

"I missed you too Teddy." I kissed his soft kissable lips and led him to my bedroom. "You can get in the bed. I'm gonna put my pajamas on." I was about to go in the bathroom, but Teddy's sexy voice stopped me.

"Why can't you dress in front of me amor?" Teddy asked smirking at me. My heart started to race fast and my palms started to sweat.

"U-umm I'm just gonna change in the bathroom. It won't take long I promise." I quickly went into the bathroom and shut the door. Why did I get so nerves? Oh yeah, because I never changed in front of a man besides my dads. What if he doesn't like my body? What if he's not an ass guy, but instead he's a boobs guy? Because hell I barley have breast but I have a booty. But what if he doesn't like my tall legs? I mean do you know how hard it is to find someone taller than me to date? Usually when I do find them they like those tall blond skinny models who are all over vogue and are gorgeous. I'm over thinking again. I just need to calm door.

"Are you alright in there amor?"

"Yes babe. I'll be right out." I quickly took off my clothes and put on the "long t-shirt" Sasha told me to wear. "Fuck man. You can see my under butt." Breathed out loud and walked out of the bathroom putting my bonnet on.

Men are stupid, but you gotta love them (BWHM)Where stories live. Discover now