Ha I don't think so

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Men are stupid, but you gotta love them

"So how was your anniversary?!" I asked excitingly as Sasha and are were out eating.

"Girl it was mothafuckin lit! His grinding game was on ten!" Dear God, why don't you stop her from talking? "I mean woah! It had yo girl speaking in tongues."


"Sorry." Sasha said putting her hands up in surrender then eating some of her fries. I chuckled at her silliness and drank some of my Coke.

"So I heard you gave Teddy diarrhea." Sasha smiled evilly at me.

"Steven?" She nodded her head.

"Well you heard right. That ass hat deserved it for spying on my and shit. When I left Jacobs place I saw Steven and Teddy passed out in the. car." Sasha laughed.

"I can't believe you gave him ex lax though. Are you crazy?"

"A little." Sasha and I giggled and I decided to give Jacob a call to see if he wanted to hang tonight.

"H-hello?" Jacob said sounding a little flustered.

"Hey you, what are you doing tonight?"

"Just umm-"

"Babyyyy. Come back to bed."

"Who was that?"

"My tv, but yeah I'm free tonight." Hmm.

"My bullshit detector is going off."

"Who are you talking to?" I heard the women in the background once again.

"I... look Cyra I like you a lot I really do its just I'm not ready to settle down you know? I hope you understand." When in the hell did I ever say I wanted to settle down? I just wanted to meet or date a nice guy for once.

"Oh yes I understand Jacob. I just called tonight to see if you wanted to do a threesome with my friend Sasha here-" Sasha was trying to contain her laugh-" but too bad. I guess we just have to start without you. I hope you understand." I heard him groan out loud.

"I'M SORRY! Please give me a third chance." I stayed silent for a little then busted out laughing.

"Sike! I can't believe you think I'll do a three some! Especially with you. I bet yo dick game weak anyways. Have a nice life Jacob." Why can't I Cyra Blu just find a wonderful man that can sweep me off my feet and treat me well? I mean I'm not a bad girlfriend. I'll do whatever you need only if you treat me right. I'll probably even kill someone for you... nah I take that back. I'm black, the court would give me a harsh sentence. But still! That's all I'm asking for. It was so stupid of me to give Jacob a second chance. You think giving people second chances they'll change. Boy was I wrong.

"That Jacob guy wasn't even that cute... we'll never mind. He was cute as hell man, but don't worry babe you'll find someone." I sighed and finished my Coke.

"I hope. Waiter!"


"Steven get off me damn!" I yelled trying to get out of his head lock.

"Say you're sorry to Sánchez!"

"Never!" I screamed still trying to pull away.

"I guess you'll have to stay like this forever." I tugged. I pulled and nothing. Nada. Steven just won't let go of me.

"Baby cut it out." Sasha said sitting on the couch. Oh NOW she wants to help me? After I've been in this damn headlock for a good seven minutes? Wow. I have a amazing friend.

Men are stupid, but you gotta love them (BWHM)Where stories live. Discover now