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Men are stupid, but you gotta love them

It's been five days since I haven't seen Teddy no phone calls no text nothing. He said he'll be back in two days. Why am I stressing about this anyways? He's an jackass who cheated on his freaking wife for crying out loud. I feel dirty. Disgusting. I looked at my short hair in the mirror and smiled. Actually smiled. Why didn't I think about cutting my hair years ago? I love the pixie hair cut I gave myself. I look goods. More edgy. I showed my parents the hair cut and they absolutely loved it too. They asked about Teddy and I said we're doing great. I didn't want to tell them that we broke up well... at least not now. Later on. Probably in a month or two. Is that too long of a wait? Oh hell. I heard a knock on my door and opened it.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked.

"To tell you that you can have Teddy. I never liked that no good for nothing. He sucked as a lover and sucks as a person since he got freaky with a fucking monkey."

"What did you just call me?"

"I called you a monkey." I closed my eyes then reopened them. I punched her in the face and got on top of her punching her again and again.

"CYRA!" I heard Teddy yell. He pulled me off her and I kicked her in the side.

"Call me a fucking monkey again and I'll do more damage then that!" She got up showing her bloody face then started to cry.

"Fuck! She popped my breast!"

"Ashley! Why the fuck are you here?!"

"I wanted to tell that black bitch that she can have you!" Ashley got up and was about to charge at me, but Teddy stopped her by pushing hey against the wall.

"If you ever get close to my love ever again I will personally deal with you. Understand?" She nodded her head pushing Teddy away and stomped out of the hallway. I looked at Teddy and shook my head.

"The hell do you want?"

"Can we talk?"

"Oh you wanna talk? You wanna talk about how much you love me and-"

"Goddammit Cyra shut up and let me come in." I rolled my eyes and stomped on his foot and slapped his face.

"THAT'S for breaking my heart." Then I kneed his balls. Teddy did a high pitch scream and was on the floor. "And that's for... for being a jackass mother fucker!"

"Can we talk now? Please?" Teddy said in a tiny voice. I'm surprised that his voice can go that high since it's so deep.

"Crawl your ass right in." And he did what I commanded. Teddy got up a little bit when he got close to the chair and sat down sighing.

"May I get some ice?"

"No." Teddy grunted and took out something in his pocket. He handed it to me and I snatched it out his hand.

"Divorce papers? You finally divorced her after how long? Why didn't you divorced her a year ago?"

"Well... I needed a wife to keep my company up float. No wife meaning not a successful businessman." Teddy sighed and laid his head back against my couch.

"But if the wife cheated, I won't need a wife for five years or however long I want. I didn't know that until I went to get a divorce." I gave Teddy the dumbest look I can.

"You know, for a very intelligent man like you, you are dumb as hell... and I saw that with love." I sat on my loner couch seat across from him.

"So why you tell me this? Did you think you telling me that you and that ass head Ashely are divorced now so we can get back together? If you are then you're shit out of luck."

Men are stupid, but you gotta love them (BWHM)Where stories live. Discover now