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Author’s note:

So guys, I’ve planned this episode since I first wrote this story, and I can finally share it to you! This is one of my favorite (and probably the longest) episode ever! Feedback will be really appreciated!


Plaza Hotel, New York, 2933

James Kane stood in front of the big lobby of the Plaza Hotel. The hotel may not really survive the bomb apocalypse, but at least it still as big as it was. At least that’s what he heard. He looked around the lobby, looking for his client. His client said that they’ll meet in the lobby, but he hasn’t met him yet, so he checked his phone.

Dang, he was right. His client texted him. Meet me in the 302 Suite. Since the bombing, they changed the floor and added exclusive rooms more.  Suite room was the most expensive room in the hotel, and he was curious, how rich his client was? Especially Suite room number 302. It was the penthouse.

He took the lift and went upstairs. He waited as the lift moved upstairs, with the song ‘Cry, Cry, Cry’ by Melissa Timberlake playing softly in the background (Melissa was Justin Timberlake’s granddaughter, FYI.)

He was finally here. He walked slowly through the silent hallway, and finally reached the door. He slowly opened the door, and entered the room.

The room was as black as a coffee. None of the lights were on, and he was pretty scared. He can’t see anything, but one thing that he knew, that his client was waiting for him.

‘Jacob Lincoln?’ he said. And in a minute, the room went from pitch black to as bright as the sun. James Kane was standing in the guest room, with small TV and a sofa in it.

‘Come here,’ said Jacob Lincoln on the other side of the suite. James walked slowly to the bedroom, and saw Jacob Lincoln there. Undressed, with his underwear only. He was lying on the bed, an extra large bed with the TV turned on.

‘I’ve never done this with a guy, so I want to make sure that I only take cash, and since you’re a guy and you want my service, I’ll give you extra charge,’ James said. He slowly undressed himself, and then went to the bed.

James slowly took off Jacob’s underpants, but Jacob stopped him. ‘I’m not here for your service. In fact, I bet you’ll need my service,’ Jacob said. He slowly sat on the bed, and gave James $100,000.

‘$100,000? IN CASH?’ James was overwhelmed. He never had—hell, he never even touched that much money.

‘Now, James Kane, what in the world were you thinking? You were one of Harvard’s best students and now, you’re what? A male hooker?’ Jacob said.

James was shocked. ‘How did you know that?’ he asked. No one knew that he was a Harvard student until his future went down to the sewers. ‘I’ve never told anyone about that.’

‘Let’s just say that I have the permission to access this country’s data, and I know that your father is Steve Kane, once was USA’s Minister of Defense, before he was framed after the attack of the terrorist,’ Jacob said. James looked shocked. And he was naked. So that conversation was extremely awkward.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ James said. He stood and then put on his clothes, ready to leave.

‘You can’t leave, James. Don’t you want to avenge your father’s death? He was framed. He wasn’t supposed to be dead, but those people framed him, made him lost his job, made you lost your scholarship and stuff.’

‘I didn’t lose the scholarship because of him, okay? I lost it because I didn’t do well in the test, I’m not Harvard material,’ James defended himself.

‘So you tried to lie to me again. You did constantly well on Harvard. In fact, you’re one of the brightest students. They canceled your scholarship because someone found out your background and Harvard didn’t want to give a son of a so called ‘terrorist’ a scholarship.’ James didn’t say anything. He was shocked. That was exactly what happened a few years ago. They found out about his identity, and didn’t want to give a son of a ‘terrorist’ a scholarship.

‘What do you want? I thought you wanted my service,’ James said. I mean, as a male hooker, he might already get his money, but it didn’t feel right.

‘Like I said, it is you that need my service. Come with me, join the army. I mean, our country needs a faithful warrior, and you can be one. And you have your motive to be one of the best soldiers ever! You can avenge your father. In a few years, I will be this damned country’s president. And you, if you’re agree to join me, will be one of my minister,’ Jacob explained.

James Kane looked curious. And then the laughed. ‘You don’t know me. You don’t know who I am. And how can I trust you? My father didn’t taught me to do revenge, he taught me to forgive,’ he said.

‘Yeah what? You’re going to forgive everyone that destroyed your life? Your father’s life? And then you’re going to go to the gym every day, build your body, go to the saloon, have some haircut, color your hair, make yourself more attractive to you’ll get more costumer and then at night you’ll put off your clothes, and then give something that is sacral to someone that you don’t even know?’

‘I do this because I need money, okay? Am I proud of this? No! Am I tired go to the gym every day to keep my pack and my muscle? Yes! Am I tired go to the saloon; spend thousands of dollars just to have a pretty face so I can get another thousand dollars? Yes! That’s why I said you don’t know a thing about me!’

‘I can help you, James. Join the army, and you’ll be back to Harvard! You have a built body, so you’ll be a general or something in a very short time. You don’t have to be a male hooker! I promised to your father—well actually my father promised to your father—that if he dies, we’ll take care of you. And I’m sorry but this is the only thing that I can do for you. So if you refuse this, I don’t mind. But this is what your father wanted for you!’ Jacob said and then he dressed himself up and ready to left.

‘Wait! Don’t leave!’ James said. He sat on the bed. He sighed. Was that true? That his father wanted Jacob Lincoln to take care of him? What if Jacob Lincoln lied, and he’ll spend his life suffering something worse than this situation? He shouldn’t trust his client. They can be bad guys. But his gut told him that Jacob didn’t lie. ‘I’ll go with you. I’ll avenge my father’s death. If he has planned this for me, I have to pay him back, by avenging him.’

Jacob Lincoln smiled. ‘I like the way you think. Now go downstairs as I’m packing my bags,’ Jacob said. James smiled, but he still wasn’t really sure. He walked slowly, and finally he went downstairs. Jacob Lincoln wanted to make sure that James was walked downstairs, and then he called someone. ‘He’s going with us. Make sure he did brilliant on the army. And no, he won’t come back to Harvard. He’ll be my Minister of Defense,’ he said.

(to be continued)


Whoops. That’s one intense chapter. And I rated it PG because of the undressing and gay thingy and also the male hooker thingy. Do you guys like it? I’m happy to say that…. JAMES KANE WAS A MALE HOOKER! And Jacob sounded like a badass in this episode. And this chapter will have its continuation!  Yay! More background story for everyone!

ALTERNATE Episode 14 Promo:

ALTERNATE, Episode 14: BX2D90 Anatomy

Living in the protection tank has its own good and bad thing. Like people says, just because it’s secured doesn’t mean it safe. Object BX2D90 was found in the toilet, and everyone was scared that it might be one of the bombs that the Alternates sent. Meanwhile, Lea has to make a big decision that can change her life forever. 

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