Masquerade from Hell

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Author’s note:

SO HAVE YOU GUYS READ THE INTENSE MID-SEASON FINALE? Lol I shouldn’t scream K but I hope you love it! This episode is going to be the beginning of the 2nd part of Alternate’s first season. And yes, I’m going to make the 2nd season! This book will have 2 season, so the book’s going to have +/- 40 chapters (short chapters :P) Wohoo! Enjoy!

The Protection Tank, New York, 3123

‘Somebody please help me!’ Victoria Angels screamed as she went down from the stairs, with General Lincoln on her hands, shaking. General Lincoln was seriously injured because of the change of the frequency. His right foot was bleeding, and it looks like it was infected.

‘Vicky what the hell are you doing here?’  Lea said. She ran as fast as she could to help General Lincoln, and Dr Eve ran beside her. Doctors ran to help General Lincoln, and then they put him on the bed.

‘I’m sorry, Lea, I knew that I promised to be back to our world, but then the attack happened, and I heard people said about protection tank and else, and I thought that I’ll be safe here. And when I’m about to get here, I found General Lincoln, shaking, bleeding, because of the frequency changed,’ Vicky explained.

‘Hold on. The frequency changes but you’re okay?’ Dr Eve asked.

‘Are you saying that I should be injured? Number one, just because I’m Latina doesn’t mean you can treat me like that. That’s racist. Number two, you’re mean!’

‘We should bring her to the autopsy room. Lea, call the doctors. We have an interesting case here,’

Room 519, Protection Tank Hospital, 3123

General Lincoln was lying on his bed, sleeping. His leg was almost cured, and he stopped bleeding. The room seemed comfortable, at least that’s what Lea thought. ‘Feeling better, General Lincoln?’ Lea asked.

‘Ah, Lea! After 45 minutes of being cared by the best doctors in the world? Yes, I am. I’m curious how they can make those medicines that can cure our injuries in less than an hour!’ General Lincoln laughed. He looked so much better.

‘And they gave you a haircut as well. I don’t know this world seems to be a lot better than ours,’ Lea said. She smiled. She looked at General Lincoln. They had to cut his hair off because he had some awful injuries on his head because of the frequency change.

‘I know. They gave me this haircut… or should I say they cut my hair off? But it’s okay. As long as I’m okay, Lea. Also… I’m sorry that you finally know that you’re mother is the one behind everything that happen. I was an idiot. I’ve known that for a long time, but I didn’t tell anyone, or, at least, get her into jail,’

Lea didn’t say anything. She sat on the sofa near the bed, playing with the flower beside the sofa. ‘I’ve lived in this world for what? 223 years? And in that long time, I’ve never know what it feels like to have a caring mother. Or maybe I have with my dad, but I can’t remember any of it,’ Lea said.

Someone knocked on the door. It was The President. ‘Lincoln! Feeling better? And love the haircut!’ he said. He smiled, but Lea knew that he was still confused. Or sad. Or angry. Or he felt nothing at all.

‘Thanks, Jacob. And yes, I feel so much better!’ General Lincoln answered.

‘Good, because we’re going to have a masquerade party today!’ The President announced happily.

‘A what? Some people are heavily injured and you threw a masquerade party?’ Lea protested. Like, what does the president think?

‘I knew you wouldn’t agree, Lea. But look at the bright side! These people need comfort and we’re going to give them comfort. Things have been changing, Lea. And now, just get ready for the party, or don’t come at all,’ The President said.

The Protection Tank Ballroom, 3123

Lea Kerr walked in. She wore a beautiful white dress with silver mask. Anywhere she looked, everyone used their mask. Guys, girls, everyone. She looked at a girl with a tight purple dress and gold-purple mask. She felt like she knew that girl, and that she shouldn’t be here. Lea followed the girl, but then she was gone. Where did you go, little girl? Lea thought.

She looked everywhere. She felt that something’s bad going to happen. There she was! Standing with her drink, and she have a bottle of green fluid on her right hand. Lea tried to walked as near as she could, but…

‘Can I have this dance?’ A guy asked. He wore a dark blue suit with blue-gold mask. ‘I’m sorry but I can’t,’ Lea quickly said, and she followed the purple dressed girl.

The purple dressed girl walked really fast, Lea should run to catch up with her. The girl exit the ballroom, and entered another room. Lea followed her. It was an empty room, and nothing’s there except pipes. And the girl disappeared.

‘I knew you’d follow me,’ someone said. Lea looked back, and then she saw the purple dressed girl, with a gun on her hands, pointing at Lea.

‘Who are you? And how did you know?’ Lea asked.

‘Simple. You’re the stupidest person in the world. You can’t steal something, and now you’re defending the wrong person!’ the girl said.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about!’ Lea replied.

‘Don’t play stupid with me, Kerr. I know that you’re smart, even though you’re stupid as hell at this kind of thing. You’ll lose, you know? You and everyone that you love!’

‘I seriously don’t know what you’re talking about but I need to know what that green fluid is,’

‘Of course you don’t know! And you won’t! Because you won’t hear it when I’m about to explain it to you,’ the girl said.

‘Okay. You’re a coward. Put off your mask if you dare loser!’

‘I don’t care, Lea!’

The girl pulled the trigger and shot Lea right on her chest. She ran as fast as she could, but Lea was already shot. Everyone was scared heard the noise, and the guy with the dark blue suit got into the room.

‘How did you know?’ Lea asked.

‘I followed you,’ he said. He put Lea on his back, and then he ran as fast as he could to the hospital.


Don’t worry fellas. It’ll continue next week J so what do you guys think about this episode? It is really masquerade ball from hell because someone dies! And what do you think will happen next? Because you won’t find it in the next episode!

Alternate Episode 13 Promo

ALTERNATE, Episode 13: Brothers

We’ll go back in time when the President met James Kane, and gives us the fact that they were best friends or at least Jacob tried to help him. And one of them has a dirty little secret that can change our perception.

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