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Author’s note:

Sooo, hello everyone! I would love a feedback for this episode! Pretty please? Other than that, ENJOY!


Dr Eve’s House, New York, 3123

Lea couldn’t sleep. She’s still thinking about her father. Who was he? She went downstairs and opened the refrigerator, and had some milk. ‘Trouble sleeping?’ Dr Eve suddenly asked. Lea was extremely surprised. ‘Yeah. Trouble sleeping. My mother used to give me milk every time I’m anxious... I’m sorry if I didn’t ask for your permission... I just... I need milk,’ Lea explained. ‘It’s okay. It was my fault, after all. I shouldn’t ask you about your father,’ Dr Eve said. ‘It’s okay,’ Lea smiled. ‘Put it back to the fridge after you drink it,’ Dr Eve said, and she went back to her room. ‘I feel so much better,’ Lea said to herself.

The President’s Office, The Big House, New York, 3123

‘We’re here to discuss about our annual program, to remind us of 9/11, that happened 1122 years ago, the time when the terrorist attacked us, but also we’re here to do a celebration of September 11, 122 years ago, where, our government finally win from the battle between us and the terrorists,’ Mr President said. Everyone gave him applause. ‘9/11 doesn’t always a sad reminder that we were once lost from the terrorists, but also that we were once won from them too. Because, 1000 years after the terrorist attacked the World Trade Center, we finally beat them and destroy the place where they stay, or the former White House,’

Everyone gave him a standing ovation. ‘Thank you, everyone. And know, I’m going to give you all a feast, so all of you can go to the ballroom, and we’re going to have a big buffet,’ The President said, and then all of them left the room, except Minister Kane.

‘It’s good to see you, Minister Kane,’ The President said. ‘Or, should I say, Mr Kane?’

Minister Kane laughed. ‘You haven’t fired me, Mister. I’m afraid you’re mistaken,’ he said.

‘Oh, I’m not mistaken, Minister. You see, I will give you another chance, if, you can finally find out how to save our people. You’re the minister of defense, after all. So I’m counting on you. If you failed, your name will be Mister Kane.’ The President walked away from the room, left the Minister alone.

Alternate Central Park, Alternate New York, 3123

‘This place was suppose to be the biggest park in the city, but you guys destroy it and change it into a big industrial place and left a small park for our tree to produce oxygen for like, two millions people,’ the woman said.

‘I know, Mama. And I’m sorry. I mean, General Lincoln couldn’t do anything,’ Sam said. The woman was surprised.

‘I strongly disagree with you. You see, you even get to work there because I was the Scientist that opened the portal for the first time so that that woman, Regina Kerr, could accidentally cross the portal,’ she said.

‘I know, and I’m proud of you, Mama. And that’s why I’m here. The General wanted you to open the gate again. We need it. The other universe needs it. They need our help. The terrorists? They’re back, and then they’re planning on attacking the other universe!’

‘And why should we care? We have nothing to do with them. You see, this is nonsense. I’ll go home and eat something. I’m tired. If they want us to help, why didn’t they help us when they can?’ Sam’s mom walked away.

‘THEY DIDN’T KNOW, Mama! Jesus! That woman was so hard to get!’ Sam muttered.

General Lincoln called. ‘Did your mom agree?’ he asked.

‘UH! Talk to her! She doesn’t want to open the portal. I said that we’re going to help them, because I don’t want her to know our real idea is!’

‘Well, you don’t have to. Because, today, September the 11th, the two universes will have a bridge,’

‘What are you saying? Are you out of your mind, General?’

‘The Scientists have done it. We can cross over. So I declare 9/11 as Cross-Over Day,’

‘You, are you saying that we don’t need my mom?’

‘We still need her for further development, though. So tell your mom. The President will announce it on the TV, but if she knew earlier than everyone, she would feel honored. So, Sam, Happy Cross-Over Day.’


SO THAT’S EPISODE 8! EPISODE 9 will be more intense, I suppose. I mean, the Alternate can cross over now, so.... by the way, I know it’s not 9/11 yet, but, HAPPY CROSS OVER DAY!


Alternate Episode 9: The Manhattan Scroll (Part 2)

Continuing the first part—The Manhattan Scroll (Pt. 1), Manhattan Scroll (Part 2) is here! Lea Kerr finally can see the president’s office, but when she was there, the Minister always followed her, like he wanted something from her. The president gave her The Scroll, and asked her to opened it. And when she opened it, something unbelievable and can possibly cause another civil war happen. And then the Alternates started to visit, and Minister Kane will try to find out what do they want. The episode is set on New York, 3123 only. 

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