Alliance (Part 1)

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Author’s note:

Wow, I can’t believe it! Mid season finale already? Time flew real fast! Hope you enjoy the first part of the 2 parted mid-season finale! It’s going to be EPIC. Feed back is appreciated, too. Thanks!

The Tunnel, 3123

It was a dark place. The tunnel is a bridge between the real world and its parallel. The other universe had been worked on The Tunnel Project for more than 500 years, and they’ve finally done it. They’ve finally built the tunnel. A bridge between the two worlds.

Victoria Angela walked slowly. It was her first time walking on the tunnel. Heck, it was everyone’s first time. And she had to admit, it was scary. The tunnel was full of strange noises came from the wall. Her ears hurt heard the noises. But she had to do this. It was clear that her country needed her.

She was one step closer from entering the other world. Should I do this? She asked herself. She took a deep breath, and took that final step, and finally, she arrived at the United States of America.

James Kane’s Office, New York, 3123

‘Can someone explain to me what the hell happen? What is he doing here?’ The President was angry. He looked at his “twin” carefully. ‘How can you have a blonde hair?’

‘I came here in peace,’ General Lincoln said. ‘We want to declare that we’re ready to help you in killing the terrorist, because they attacked our country years ago, and we don’t want the same thing happen to your country. And I dyed my hair when I was 150 and I keep doing that ever since,’

‘Well that make sense,’ the President mumbled. ‘Well I thought you sent Lea Kerr as your delegation,’

‘She was going to be our delegation, but then we can’t send her any message or anything, until we open The Tunnel, and now both universes can communicate,’ General Lincoln said.

‘The Tunnel? Really? That was your best idea for a bridge that connects both worlds?’ James Kane said.

‘It is literally a tunnel, Minister of Defense.’

Someone broke in to the Minister of Defense’s office. It was Lea Kerr and Dr Eve. She looked furious. ‘Something wrong, Lea?’ General Lincoln asked.

‘Oh hi, General Lincoln. I just want to ask the other Jacob Lincoln about what’s inside The Manhattan Scroll. Your past president accused my mother, Regina Kerr, as the head of the terrorist that ruin both worlds years ago. And you know what? If she really is the bomber, she would be dead by now!’ Lea shouted.

‘Keep calm, Lea. James, close the door. Please. I can explain.’ The President said. ‘I never knew what’s inside the scroll until today. You brought it to us. It belong to the other universe, and General Lincoln brought it for us,’

‘And why would he give this to you? It isn’t important!’

‘It is indeed important, Lea. I’ve been reading what’s inside the scroll for like years, and when I knew that you were going to stole it, I knew that the time is come to make an alliance between the two worlds to take down your mother, or she will destroy our homes, again,’

Lea stopped. She was surprised. ‘You do know that you’re talking about my mom, right? MY MOM!’ she shouted. She was angry. Her mom, that has kept her safe for years, is a terrorist?

General Lincoln tried to keep calm. ‘I know it’s hard for you, but this is the truth, Lea. And in some way, you have to accept it,’ he said.

‘You don’t have proof! And now you’re counting on a scroll that was made like hundred years ago? What if the scroll is lying, so the both world won’t help each other?’

‘Trust us, Lea.’ this time, the President talked. ‘It is for the best. I know that you love your mother, but we’re sorry that we have to do this. If we don’t make a move, the both world will be destroyed,’

‘And why would my mom do that? Destroying the both worlds?’

‘Full domination,’ James said. ‘You see, your mom knew that there was a new universe, and she was thirsty for domination. So, she wanted to destroy this world, because she already rule her universe. But she failed. This time, she knew that some people from her universe want to take action against her, so she wanted to destroy both universe, and started a new world, with her controlling.’

‘That is absolutely crazy! You guys should start a book about this or something, because I believe that this is more imaginative than a fiction!’

‘Lea I know it’s hard to understand but we have to do this,’ The President repeated.

The door opened. The President’s secretary, Monique, stood there. ‘Yes, Monique? You do know that we have an important meeting right now, don’t you?’ The President said.

‘I-I’m sorry, Mister President. But there’s a girl waiting for Miss Lea Kerr, her name’s Victoria… something,’ Monique said.

‘Vicky? She’s here? I thought we cannot come across?’ Lea looked at General Lincoln. He looked confused. ‘Excuse me,’ Lea said and then she went out with Monique and walked outside to see her friend, Vicky.

‘LEA!’ Vicky said. They hugged each other. ‘Oh my God, Lea! I thought you were dead or something, because I’ve called you for like hundred times, yet you didn’t answer! Until that guy from the government, Sam, said that you’re here,’ Vicky said while she hugged Lea.

‘Yes, yea, I’m here! What are you doing here, Vicky?’

‘I’m going to stay here because I want to see you every day, just like it used to be, before you act crazy because of that mail,’

Lea didn’t answer. She’s in the middle of a danger to save her world, yet her friend ask to stay? ‘I don’t have place to live, Vicky. I live in one of the president’s friend’s house,’ Lea explained.

Vicky looked sad. ‘Oh, okay then. I’ll just book a hotel. Okay, I’m gonna go. You seem like you’re really busy,’ she said, and then they hugged for the last time, and then Vicky walked away. Vicky is definitely crazy.

BUZZ! She opened her phone. There was a message from an unknown sender. Should I open it? Lea thought. What if…. But it was too late. Her hands clicked yes.


What the hell was that mean?


WOHOOO cliffhanger aha! Do you guys like the episode? I hope you do. Ya’ll see the action on the next episode. Spoiler alert: BOMBS, GUNS, KILLING! Someone will die! Who’ll die in the 11th episode? :o


Alternate Episode 11: Alliance (Part 2)

It is all actions in the brand-new episode of #ALTERNATE! The Alternates started to came to our world, before Alternate Jacob Lincoln make an alliance with our world. The Alternates started to attack our world, and the only way to save our world… is by making an alliance to bring Regina Kerr down. Will the alliance be ever made?

Regina Kerr will appear for the very first time.

Alternate (Watty Award 2013)Where stories live. Discover now