Other Stories By Me

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Name: Sakiko Hiou
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club/Vampire Knight crossover
Status: ongoing (2 chapter)
Summary: It has always been thought that Shizuka Hiou was the last Pureblood of the Hiou Clan, but there is one more. Sakiko Hiou, Shizuka's twin sister. Sakiko was in a three thousand year old slumber, being awoken the day before Shizuka attacked the Kiryuu family. Sakiko takes Zero Kiryuu under her wing after Shizuka turned him into a vampire (and after Zero tried to kill her after mistaking her for Shizuka). Four years later Sakiko and Zero transfer to Cross Academy's Day Class, Sakiko pretending to be Akira Kiryuu, Zero's younger sister. No one knows that Akira's true identity is one of the last remaining Hiou Purebloods, Kaname Kuran, the last Pureblood of the Kuran Clan (for the time being) being the only one who knows her true identity.

Name: The Death Twin's First Day of Preschool
Fandom: Soul Eater
Status: completed
Summary: It's Death the Kid's and Thana Death's first day of preschool and of course being twin children of Lord Death there will be some ups and downs for the two adorable twins. Eight things will happen to the twins. Read to find out what.

Name: The Darkness in Me
Fandom: Soul Eater
Status: ongoing (17 chapters)
Summary: Shinigami twins are extremely rare and are almost never born. So when Shinigami-Sama or Lord Death and his wife have twins that defiantly comes at a surprise for the death god. But since Shinigami's wife is a witch, that may have a negative effect on the death twins.

Death the Kid and Thana Death are always together. Thana's Lines of Sanzu are on the right side of her head and so when she stands beside Kid they are completely symmetrical. When they are apart they are filthy asymmetrical garbage. But that isn't all that is good about their Sanzu lines.

Twin Shinigami can match each other's wavelengths together even though they aren't meister and weapon and that causes their Lines of Sanzu to connect and the power of six Sanzu Lines is activated, making them even more powerful than a regular Shinigami whose lines are connected. So Artemis, Shinigami-Sama's wife, tries to use that power for her own gain to awaken the Kishin Asura, her oldest son, by turning Kid mad. Thana's love for her brother may not be enough to pull Kid back from the madness that is slowly consuming him.

"It won't be long now until Asura is finally freed. The world would be plunged into complete chaos."

Name: The Beginning: Book 1 of the Destiny Series
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Status: ongoing (7 chapters)
Summary: Natsu and his twin brother Kiyoshi were both raised by Igneel but are complete opposites. Natsu gets motion sick on any form of transportation and Kiyoshi loves any kind of transportation. Natsu loves to fight and Kiyoshi hates to fight. But the two brothers are close despite their differences. Natsu has no memory of their life prior to Igneel but Kiyoshi does and that's why he is always afraid outside of vehicles ...

Lucy and her twin sister Ashley ran away from home after Ashley got into yet another fight with their father and Lucy happens to run away with her. The Heartfillia twins meet the Dragneel twins and join Fairy Tail with them. When they go to Tenrou Island they encounter Zeref the Black Wizard and Kiyoshi is the only one who recongises him.

Purebloods at Ouran (Vampire Knight and Ouran High School Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now