The Dragon Born

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Chapter 2

When I woke up I saw that our house was destroyed, a fire must have ripped through while I was out cold since there was black char damage extensively throughout the house. I stood up and my head throbbed. I didnt notice any blood so I thought I was fine. As I stood I noticed that our home wasn't the only effected my this strange phenomenon.  Everyone in the town was going crazy, running everywhere. The entire neigbourhood was effected. I then was greeted with the cause of our situation. I looked towards the sky as it lit up due to a massive pillar of flames. The creature in my dream was here. I stared at it and watched it tear through the house across the road from me. As it was finishing another one appeared, flying above it. Followed by two more. There was a whole army of these things. They seemed to be communicating because the stopped and exchanged roars before splitting up to cause more extensive carnage. Just as I was looking over to my right, one of the demons began walking towards my house. Another explosion set off by a demon demolishing, yet another house. The explosion rattled my bones, but somehow it was refreshing as I realized how cold this night was. I began to crawl away from the demon in fear of my life. I crawled past my mothers body, who now was nothing more then a pile of decaying flesh. I couldnt stop and help her. I curled up in pain next to her, but I had to keep running. When I slowly got up I saw the huge creature I front of me. As soon as I noticed the creature, I begun slowly backing away. The sensation of pain disappeared but was replaced the the want to live. The demon creature in front of me didn't notice my presence until I was backing away. The creature heared me and spun its head and began a frensy of rage. CRUNCH! It's teeth clanged together with the force of a small car crash. It had just missed me. I took the chance before he recoiled again and ran. Just began to run I turned back and lost my footing as I exited the house. I stumbled on the grass.

I rolled over and saw the demon creature opening its mouth to strike again. I quickly rolled out of the way and the demon got a mouthful of dad award winning golfing grass. When I rolled I noticed one of the residences of my neighbourhood , Sally , fleeing the same creature. I glanced at her and shouted
"Sally! Over here! Come to cover!"
She looked around for the Origin of the voice , saw me and nodded, but a demon was on her tail. She kept running like me but it was useless. She wasnt the best athlete so the demon caught up with her quickly. The demon took a look at her shreaking in terror at it and gruntted before swooping down and clamping his jaws shut around her abdomen, splitting her body in half. The legs stayed on the ground as the demon ate her abdomen. I shouted in anger while running. I found cover behind a tree, but the demon had noticed where I was running to and wanted to finish off his job. I ran just as it shot its flame breath at the tree. The fire burned my sides but the tree was unusually wide so it protected me from most of the heat. I breathed a sigh of relief interrupted By an extremely a gruesome noise that reselbled the sound of someone getting stabbed. Then I heard an extremely gruelling roar like a low scream. I had to assume it came from the demon. I cautiously turned from my cover of the tree and saw the demon creature fighting a slightly larger demon. The only difference between the two creatures was that the larger one had more welcoming colours, its skin, or more specifically, scales had a light blue upper body and red spots. Its underbelly was a shade of white. It had a regal figure and was much bigger and seemingly stronger than its enemy. The demons had a black and red palette. With black being its dominant shade and red covering its underbelly.

They fought for a while, but it was obvious the larger one had the upper hand. The dragon clawed at the demon is many places, causing it to bleed heavily. The demon decided to run for it but the dragon wouldn't let it. He bounded onto the back of the demon, his weight causing the demon to collapse. The dragon then sunk his huge jaws into the demons neck.The demon gave out one final roar then collapsed. Once the dragon had finished his business he backed away, gave a satisfied grunt, turned and saw me. He then began walking towards me. I crawled back in terror and threw anything I could at it. The rocks just bounced off its skin. 
"Why are you running?" The dragon asked. I stood there in shock and wondered if I should respond. Maybe I still was in a dream. There is no such things as dragons, let alone ones that can talk. After a moment of silence I responded.
"Because you're big, scaly and you just ripped that thing apart!"
"I guess you have a point" the dragon said slowly. "Well I better be off." the dragon said calmly
"Wait!" I shouted. The words came out of my mouth unexpectedly. "I need you, please help me!" the dragon took a moment to respond. "What is your name?" It asked.
"Jack," I responded with fear
"Well, Jack," said the dragon. "I need to do something to keep you safe." The beast in front of me pushed his massive claw toward my chest. He was going to kill me. I tried to jump up and run but his claw was already on my chest. I struggled but I realised it was to late. I closed my eyes at let it happened. Yet I felt nothing. I opened my eyes and saw his claw glowing and my chest was emitting light.

At that moment all the lights dimmed slowly around me and everything started spinning  before compleatly blacking out.

I woke up to a smiling face. A girl was sitting on my bed looking at something I couldn't quite see, Her hair was silky and fiery red and she had freckles speckled across her face. I don't think she knew that I was staring at her because she was looking out towards the distance. I decided that I would make the first move. I coughed and sputtered and pretended to wake up dramatically but by the look on her face she didn't look convinced.
"Are you ok?" She asked. 
"I think I'll live" I tried to sound brave because she was so beautiful. She faked a laugh. 

"Can you tell me where I am?" I was just remembering my last encounter with the scaly creature. All the thoughts came back to me and I began shaking with fear again. 

"You're in the dragon born camp" she replied. I took a moment to look around. I tried to move but my head still throbbed. I was sitting in an open timber cabin. Outside I could see other building all made of timber. It reminded me of a rustic theme. I was lying on one of about 10 occupied beds. It looked like some sort of hospital arrangement since I noticed an I.V drip coming from my hand. We seemed to be placed in some sort of forest, one I had never seen before.

"Well that sums things up," I mumbled in a barely audible voice, but she seemed to hear it.
"The ancient camp of the dragons is the place where all the dragon born heroes come."
"So it's like a safe haven for the dragon born?" She cut me off

"The dragon born heroes" She repeated. I shook it off, but I could tell that she was into me. 

"I still don't know who the dragons are... Or who the dragon born people are!" I shouted in fear and anger realising  the seriousness of my situation. I didn't know where I was and I was making small talk with an attractive stranger. 

"Well you probably should know my name first, I am Amanda Theon. Daughter of Tauntia"

"Wait, hold on" I cut in once more  "What is Tauntia" 

"There are 7 dragons" she began

"Hold on a second" I said before she could move on 

"Dragons? So what I was yesterday wasn't a nightmare?"

"No it wasn't, the dragons that attacked your home were some dragons that have turned away from their masters, they escaped from our fort here and tried their best to reek havoc On your hometown, they were drawn to you because you are a dragon born"
"Ok so I am a dragon born" I asked Amanda

"Yes you are, you most definitely are" she responded quickly. What was that supposed to mean? I decided to brush it off.
"The seven ancient dragons have been here since the dawn of time, they were created to look over the humans and protect the world from the demon dragons, unfortunately the ancient ones could not hold on any longer after many of the ancient ones turned against the others and became demons. They created more of themselves, lesser dragons to do their bidding. Since the dawn of time these dragons have been waring with those demons, some humans have been caught in the conflict and have joined certain sides, some dragons have different ranks in the army's, ones that can talk are very high ranks and therefor quite powerful. The one you met last night is called Judah. He is a direct descendant from one of the ancient ones"
"So what are the names of the ancient ones?" I asked
"Stheos, the first one, he is in charge over everything. He was the first to bring order to the other ancheint ones.  Teskin, Ariam, Rheia, Senorim, Tauntia and Lopeha"

I paused for a moment, to take in all that information was really hard. "So how do the dragons have children?" I questioned.
"Well" Amanda said "they bless human mortals with a dragon born child. No actual sexual contact is required for the conception of a special child" She explained it as though it made sense. 

"wait what?" I was so confused, all this information at once was hard to interpret

"They, give a baby powers before they are born, they can have both mortal parents but can have a special baby"

"Oh right" I was starting to understand this utterly confusing realm.

"So how do you know who you have descended from?" She looked at me for a while than responded, it was like she was staring into me as if to ask, did you really just say that?
" I have been told by our camp predictor that you have descended from Sthenos" She conveyed this message in a worrying tone, as though being associated with "Sthenos" was a big deal. Everything here was just confusing me. 

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