Good times

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{Laura POV}

Eveything in life had been pretty consistent for the past few weeks. I went to hang with the fam, got to ride some horses, and got some cute baby pictures.

Taylor was fine and we had kept our friendship strong. I'm glad everything worked out with her.

A loop kept going around my head. I would wake up, get assigned a photo shoot or two, see the family, and that's it. My life had been going around in a continuous loop for what seemed like weeks. Taylor and I kept everything mutual. Nothing had changed. I was beginning to get bored. It's not that my life was boring but when you eat the same thing everyday, it gets a little tasteless.

I was with my family right now, in Montana, and I feel as if I was just with them. I saw them in's September. Time goes by fast.

After Montana I felt dull. I wasn't doing anything with myself. I wasn't onset yet, not at least for of couple weeks. I wanted to do anything but I've already done everything I could think of.

The flight back to NYC was quick. I slept most of the way and when I got off I just went home and went back to sleep. No thoughts came to mind as to what I could do with my spare time. Another job crossed my mind but that would eventually interfere with Orange.

All the cast is working so I can't hang out with them, I had just seen my family, I was out of options. Thinking and thinking. Nothing.


I pick up my phone and call a certain person. I hope she answers, I would love a week with her.

No answer. I left a voicemail about wanting to hangout. No returned phone call on the next 3 days. Is she busy at work? I thought she was off this week? While thinking I heard this noise. I familiar noise. My phone was ringing. I look at the ID and it was her.


"Hello? Terasa?" I said, getting excited

"Hey Laura, what's up?"

It was good to here her voice again. I hadn't seen her in weeks. What's life without a best friend to share it with?

"I was wondering if you wanted to hangout later...maybe today?"

"Yea sure, I'd love to"

"Great. Can you meet me at the coffee shop near my house?"

"Actually, can I just pick you up...I think I have an idea of what to do"

"Yea sure. See you in an hour. Bye"

I hung up and got excited. I haven't seen her since the summer. I was in need of a friend. A close friend.

She picked me up 56 minutes later and we were both lit up with excitement.

"So, where are we going today?" I asked, jumping in my seat

"You'll see. I remember something old we used to do"

"Do I remember it?"

"You will when you see it"

I was confused yet interested. When she pulled into the parking lot I lit up.

"We're at the archery place from when we were kids" she said, getting out of the car

"I remember this place!! God, it feels like forever"

"Old memories for the new good times"

"What are we waiting for, lets go"

Terasa and I got our bows and arrows and headed for some targets. I knew I wasn't the best but that never stopped my cocky attitude. Terasa would always laugh at me when I bragged how well I was and then missed the target completely.

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