A week in heaven

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{Laura POV}
Taylor and I laughed the days away. Every moment, we spent together.
Monday we went to central park and walked around.
Tuesday we went out to all the ethnic parts of the city, including little Italy, China town, etc.
Wednesday I finally made the call to my mother about me going down New Jersey; she was surprised at how sudden it was but she sounded happy. Thursday Taylor and I stayed at home and binged Netflix all day; we finished the last season of Super Natural and watched a couple movies. We enjoyed making fun of all the couples we watched in the movies because they're all so different from our television pair.
And Friday. My last day in town. I'll be leaving for New Jersey in the morning; I have to leave early since I'm deciding to drive there. I was honestly going to miss Taylor and her happy smile and her positive attitude. She was always happy and loving. She has always cared more about others than herself.
I wanted to make my last day with Taylor special since I won't be seeing her for a couple weeks. I chose to take Taylor out for dinner and then I had a surprise for her.

"Taylor, wake up" I said softly

"Whyyyy?" She whined

"Because I have something for you"

Taylor was still asleep on my couch from when she passed out from last night. She has been spending all week here and has been borrowing my clothes for now.

"Do I have to get up?" Taylor said with her face still in the pillow

"Well it's your choice but if you don't you might just miss your last day with me..." I said in a taunting voice

Taylor immediately threw her head up with fright on her face.
"Your last day for what?"

"My last day until I leave for New Jersey, silly. Don't you remember?"

"Oh...yea. I remember" she said innocently

"Well c'mon. We're gonna be late" I said as I throw the blanket off of her, exposing her, I mean my, black yoga pants and oversized sweatshirt.

"Late for what?" She sat up

"You'll just have to see when we get there" I said leading her to the car

"So I'm gonna go in pajamas?" Taylor says as she struggles to put on her sneakers

As we stand outside of the car I say,
"I'm gonna stop by your place so you can grab something you want to wear"

"I don't even know what we're doing or wear we're going, how am I supposed to know what to wear?" She said as I hopped in the front seat

"I'll tell you on the way. Hop in"

"...Fine..." She said exhausted

I drove a 10 minute drive to her house so she could get dressed. Taylor looks great in everything, especially when her hair is messy and she isn't wearing any make-up. The way her hair falls onto her cheeks and her smile barely hangs on to her face. She's adorable.

"So what am I wearing?" Taylor interrupted my thoughts

"Oh...um, anything. You look great in anything" I smiled

"Thank you but anything specific?"
Taylor blushed

"Um...a dress...a nicely casual dress" I say honestly

"Okay. I'll be right back" she exited the car and quickly stumbled into the house.

I wait in the car for Taylor to come back. I sit in silence as my thoughts roam off to on their own. I sit in silence as my thoughts roam off on Taylor...just Taylor.

I'm rushing to find the right thing to wear. I have no clue to where she could be taking me. I mean, it's nearly 4 in the evening and I had just woken up from a night of Netflix and some wine tasting. I might have been a little hung over but nothing more than a little headache.
What does it mean to be 'nicely casual'. Laura left me so confused so I just go with something simple. I grab a black lace dress that is think enough so it isn't see threw but it's still a little sexy. I throw it on and leaves Laura's clothes on my floor. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth because I haven't for at least a couple of days. I look into the mirror and see my hair is a mess. I throw it up in a quick bun and brush my teeth very intensely. I mouthwash and floss as well. Lastly I throw on a tad of make-up, only some mascara and lip gloss.
Finally I'm ready to leave. I throw on some one-inch heels and head out my front door. I look to see Laura standing with her back facing me; She was wearing this chestnut brown dress and a leather jacket to top it off; there was also this pretty design going up the side of the dress.
I guess she heard me come outside because she turned around and smiled at me with her cigarette dangling out of her mouth. She takes it out and begins to speak:

"Hey" she smiled "took ya long enough"

"Sorry. You kind of put me on the spot with this whole thing" I say apologetically

"It's okay. 45 is a new record" she laughed

"Did it really take me 45 minutes?" I said kind of embarrassed

"Yea" she chuckled "But it's fine. You look great"

"So do you" I say as I got in the front seat.

I don't bother asking about location or how late we'll be out. I just wanted to be with her. I didn't care where we were, as long as I was with her everything was perfect.
I sit quietly in my seat and embrace the silence that was around us. Laura was smiling and I didn't know why so I made sure I didn't have anything on my face or in my teeth.

"It's fine, you look great" she said

"What do you mean?"

"I know you were wondering if I was laughing at you so you checked to see if there was something on your face" she said

"How did you know that?" I ask in surprise

"If you haven't learned yet, I know you Taylor. I know you Taylor"

"That's scary" I giggled

The rest of the 30 minute ride was peaceful silence. I made occasional glances at Laura but every time I did she would catch me.
When we arrived I got out of the car and looked around. There were lights hung up on the walls and grape vines on the ceiling. It was glowing. Freshly painted flowers on the walls and the smell of wine filled the room.

"Where are we?" I ask in amazement

"Since I won't be seeing you for a couple weeks I'm gonna miss you so I thought if we left on a good note, it won't hurt as much" Laura said smirking

"This place is beautiful" Those were the only words I could get out of my mouth.

A short woman greeted us and escorted us to a table. 'So we're at a restaurant', I thought to myself. The woman left us with menus and the nigh started. We talked and talked. We shared memories from the past seasons and past roles. We were already close so we didn't get super personal.
We ordered our food. We both got pasta and a side salad. The night went faster than I wanted it to but it was great. After dinner we walked in the dark. Our feet were tired and our heads had hurt from the wine we drank. So we sat on the nearest bench.

"I'm gonna miss New York" Luara started "In gonna miss everyone here"

"This place is pretty great..." I struggle to keep the conversation going because I just wanted to touch her skin one more time

"I'm gonna miss you Tay" she drunkly spoke

"I'm gonna miss you too Laura. I wish you didn't have to go" I say nervously

"I'll be back before you know it" she smiled "at least you have Carrie. You're in an actual relationship..." Laura sounded despised at the words

When she said that it broke my heart. I didn't want her to be alone but she wasn't interested in me or my feelings. This is awful. I just wanted to grab her face and kiss her before she left.

"Maybe we should get you home, you look a little tired" I said quickly

"Okay" she whispered to herself

I called for a cab in the city and I got Laura home safely since she had more to drink than me. She stumbled into the house on my shoulders and I got her to her bed. She was obviously asleep and I didn't want to wake her. I took off her dress and put some pajamas on her. I wish I could touch her skin for real.
She was dressed and her alarm was set for 5 because that was the time she had to leave in the morning. This is the last time I'm going to see her for weeks. I instantly got depressed. I didn't want to go everyday knowing she wasn't next to me; even if she wasn't physically next to me she was still there in a way. Now she'll be thousands of miles away.
On my way out of her house I grabbed the rest of my things and left a note. It read:

Dear Laura,

I set your alarm so you could get an early start because I know that's what you wanted. You had a little too much to drink last night so I brought you home. I gathered all of my things and headed back to my place. Text me whenever you need. I'll see you in a few weeks. Miss you.
XOXO Taylor

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