Mistaken outcomes

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{Taylor POV}

I was feeling a whole lot better since Carrie has been taking care of me. For the last 3 days she has been feeding me and keeping me company and just really helping me.

We're watching a movie right now and I just can't stop looking at her. She's so beautiful. It is as if Laura has left my brain, she doesn't even exist anymore, and I'm surviving with that. Laura should be coming back tomorrow night and I don't know how that will go so I just won't think about it. I focus on my girlfriend.

It's been almost 6 months with her. Considering its a day away from August, we should be celebrating it soon. I wonder what we'll do. Something big? Or just small and simple? I'll just let her surprise me.

The night passes quickly and Carrie heads home. I'm left alone but I'm about to go to sleep so I don't mind.

Nearly 11 in the morning, I wake up, and head downstairs for some breakfast. Some frozen blueberry waffles and orange juice. When I was eating them I just couldn't stop thinking about the time Laura made me blueberry waffles. Those were the best waffles I have ever had.

Or the time me and Laura hung out for an entire week, just sitting on the couch. Or when she took me out to dinner and we saw the lights afterwards. She had the biggest smile that night and the cutest dimples. She is so adorable when she's happy. I can tell when she gets jealous too; she starts to glare and her stress wrinkles show and she just gets so upset sometimes. The only time I ever saw her jealous would have to be...
Actually, I can't think of a time she was jealous, but I definitely know, that's how she reacts to it. Well I guess I saw it one time; it was when we had just finished the season and we went to watch it at Tasho's house...

Wait. She got jealous at Natasha's house. When? I remember seeing her on the balcony and she was jealous then but what caused it? Could it have been Carrie and I? Why would that make her jealous? She doesn't think of me that way. Or does she? Maybe she has, all this time.

My spirits are lifted as I come to this hell of a conclusion. I grow excited and am filled with joy. Hold on, Laura is coming home tonight. So we can talk about it then. I nearly jump 10 feet in the air with hope that Laura could possibly hold feelings for me.

I run up my stairs and hop in the shower. After that I put on a regular white shirt and black skirt. As I finished cleaning up I check the time, it read:


I still have a couple hours. She probably won't be back till 6 or something. In the mean time I watch television. I soon got a text. Checking the ID, I see that it's Carrie.

Carrie- Do you want me to come over again today? I cleared my schedule for the day so it's no bother.

I feel bad because I don't really want to be with any one right now. I just want to be alone. I struggle to come up with an excuse but I find one eventually.

Tay- You should just keep planning your tour, it's too important and I'm feeling a lot better. Sorry for the misconception

After that a wave of guilt drowned me. I don't know why I feel so guilty, I didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to be alone for the day. And I just wanted to see Laura. Is that so wrong? Well...maybe. I just saw Carrie for the past couple days so she should understand I want to be alone. But I don't want to be alone. I want to be with Laura. And the only reason I needed Carrie's company was because of what happened with Laura. This all revolves around Laura. Shit.

I thought that if I confessed my feelings for Laura, to Laura, then I would feel better. I got it off my chest and moved on. But now that it's out there I can't stop thinking about it. Maybe I'll feel differently when I see Laura tonight.

In the meantime I just continued watching television. Hours passed and it was nearly 7. Oh crap, I must have fallen asleep for a moment. I jump up off the couch and head out my door with my purse in one hand and my phone in the other.

I get into my car and start it up. It was about a 20 minute drive to Laura's house. I pull into an empty drive way and start to grow confused. She isn't home yet? But she should've been home for an hour. Did she go out? No, she would've been too exhausted. I park my car and exit from it. I walk up to her door and before I knocked I noticed all the lights were out. What the hell? I knock loudly and wait there. And wait there. And keep waiting. 5 minutes later I have lost all of my patience. I leave the empty door and don't look back at the dark house.

Heading for my car, I get in completely frustrated. Where could she even be? I turn on my car and right at that moment I heard a noise. it sounded like a crash of two small metal objects. I get out of my car, close my door, and look around hoping to see Laura. No one was in sight. The darkness swallowed the street. Disappointment overpowered my frustration. I open my car door and am about to hop in. A moment before I do a voice stops me. A voice I have been familiar with. A voice that I know too well.

"Taylor, what are you doing here?"

I turn pale with fright as to what I was going to say,

"What are you doing here?" The concern in her voice grew larger

"Carrie, I just wanted to check to see if Laura was home and-"

She cut me off,
"You said you wanted to be alone" she started to raise her voice

"That's true. I wanted to be alone for the day. But I realized that today was the day Laura was coming home"

I knew that Laura was coming home today. I was counting down the days as if it were New Years. I couldn't tell Carrie that. I hated lying but it was for the greater good. But the lies. The lies just kept coming. Carrie grew furious with me and I didn't know what to do.

"I bet you sure as hell knew that Laura was coming back today!" Carrie yelled

I had lost words. Then it hit me,
"Carrie, what are you even doing in this part of town?"

Her face softened up but her voice stayed sturn,
"I was driving to get materials for my tour at my buddies house. I was on my way there but I get road blocked by my girlfriend, who is apparently looking for someone else! That's just great"

Carrie stared me down. I couldn't even look her in the eyes. Tears were building; not because I felt guilty for lying, but because I didn't feel guilty. I should've felt like shit but instead my mind focused on Laura. This is awful. I'm doing an awful thing and it's even worse that I keep continuing it. Carrie is still yelling and I'm still thinking about Laura.

Carrie finishes with tears falling down her face. Suddenly I couldn't hear anything and she just walked away. I don't even know what the last thing she said to me was. I just saw her lips stop moving and her turning away.

Before I knew it I was by myself, outside Laura's house, in the cold. Words did not exist and I did not know what to do or how I felt anymore.

"Taylor?" A voice came from behind me


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