Making up for the past

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{Laura POV}

I'm so happy Taylor and I made up. Those couple of weeks when we weren't on speaking terms were really tough. But now that it's all over we can focus on the positive.

Tash and I are throwing Taylor a late birthday party since I was in New Jersey for her actual birthday. I felt awful about missing it but I made sure to call her and such. That's what this party is for anyways; to make up for missing it.

Tash and I are gathering all of Taylor's closest friends and family. We're meeting at a restaurant and then going to an actual club. We have already booked all the reservations. Now we just need to find a way to get Taylor there without her knowing.

Laura- Natasha, meet me at the coffee shop by your apartment??

Tash- Be there in 5

I leave my house and drive down to the shop. I'm 10 minutes late but that's because I live farther away than Natasha. Me and her go over a plan to get Taylor to the restaurant. Now that we have a game plan we have to get decorations set up, considering the party starts in 4 hours.

Tash is taking care of the decor while I have to stall and get Taylor to this location. I hope this all works out.

I'm heading over to Taylor's to keep her occupied. When I arrive Tay is practically waiting at the door. I come in and we chat for a while.

"How ya doing hun?" I ask

"Still upset bit I'm getting over it"

"Yea, don't rush it. You'll move on soon. Besides this only happened last week"

" you said you wanted to hang out? What do yu want to do?" Taylor asked

"Um...let's talk about...our schedules" I said out of no where

"Schedules? I don't think I have any upcoming events planned. You?"

"Well I'm going to see the family again...soon. But they're coming to New York this time. And that'll be after filming"

"Oh yea, we start filming again. Isn't that like next week or something?" Taylor asked

"Yup. Filming starts again on Monday"

"Wow, so we just have the weekend before we go back to work"

"Well we still have today and Saturday and Sunday" I mentioned

"Eh, I'm not doing anything this weekend so I'll probably just sleep these last few days"

"What, are you too good to hang out with me?" I say sarcastically

"No I just didn't make any plans or anything" Tay laughed

"The good thing about me, you don't need plans"

"Do you want to do anything?"

"I have something in mind"

"What is it?"

"what time is it?" I ask because I'm suppose to get her there at 8

"7:30. Why?" Taylor said, checking her phone

"Just checking"

There was silence for a moment because I kept trying to stall but I couldn't think of any conversation topics.

"Do you what to watch a movie?" Taylor asked

"Nope. Lets go"

I pulled Taylor by the wrist outside and to my car.

"Laura, where are we going?"

"Nowhere, just get in" I say as I hop in the front seat

"What about what I'm wearing?"

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