Loving you is my worst fear

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{Taylor POV}

Swollen lips against my skin. Her hands running up and down my body. Whips me with her gorgeous hair. Stare me down with those eyes. Every touch was a spark and every kiss was a firework.

I finally felt like I was at home. I could smile with meaning now. After that scene with Laura I could not stop smiling. We agreed to keep things mutual and keep in my mind that it was just acting. I couldn't help it though. I felt something towards Laura. Every time I was with her I laughed more. Smiled more. I was just in a better mood with her.

I went back to my dressing room to get ready for my next scene. Laura followed closely behind me. I checked the clock and saw that it was 4 in the afternoon.

"Hey" she said, walking into my trailor

"Hi" I smiled back at her

"That was a great scene"

"I know. I'm really excited about the rest of the season but I am completely exhausted, after these past two weeks" I said sitting down

"Well don't worry, you're doing great" Laura said as she walked over to me

"What's the next scene?"

"I think we have another one" she said, sitting down next to me

"Oh okay"

"Do you want to rehearse it?" Laura said out of no where

"Um...sure. But we should be quick, I don't know when they need us next"

I pulled up my script and faced her on the couch. We started reading lines and then it began to get physical. I suggested that we stop and wait for Jenji to show us but Laura insisted that we kept going. We kept reading to a point where we were on top of each other.

"Laura, I think we should wait to do this" I cut her line off

"Why wait when we can just do it ourselves" she paused for a moment and then started again
"So I put my hand here"
She placed her hand on my breast
"And you lean in to kiss me"

I didn't move. Her hand was still on me and I was in complete shock. She had never done this during a private rehearsal before.

"You have to kiss me Taylor" she cut off my thoughts

I stay in my place. Soon enough Laura was looking tired of waiting so she leaned in. Her lips were getting closer to mine. I could feel her hot breath on me. Finally, our lips meet at last. We both dropped our scripts as the kiss got deeper. She climbed on top of me, not breaking the kiss. When she did I gasped and looked up at her beautiful body that was towering over me. She took her shirt off and fell in to kiss me once again.

We kissed and kissed. It was as if the world had stopped. Filming did not matter anymore and the people around me did not matter. All that mattered was Laura. She made the moves and I followed them. I followed them all the way to the bedroom. Tearing each piece of clothing off of each other.

So many things were going through my mind. Why was Laura doing this? Why didn't she tell me she had feelings? Does she even have feelings or is she using me? To be honest, I didn't care. I had Laura and I was not going to let her slip from my hands for the moment.

Laura had stopped kissing me and said something. It took me a while to focus again but I did.

"Tay" was all she said
"Taylor, get up. You need to get up" her voice echoed through the room.

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