Chapter 17

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Armaan stood like a statue, still looking gazing over in the direction his angel disappeared. 

He gulped and shook his head a little as dizziness took over him. He was experiencing emotions he had never felt.

He whole body was alive from that brief contact, yet he felt painfully incomplete and alone since the moment she left him.

What was wrong with him?

He was so lost in his thoughts that when a hand came on to his shoulder he let out a small  startled  scream.

He turned and saw his sister, who screamed in return, looking at him with scared eyes.

"Why did you scream?" they both asked at the same time, a little breathless with all the screaming.

"Because you screamed." and replied at the same time.

"Shut up!" they looked at each other as they did it again, rolling their eyes.

"Dad is calling you inside. Come on lets go."

She dragged him inside and Armaan untangled himself from her hold, hoping to get a glimpse of the girl again. His eyes moved wildly from one corner to another but he just couldn't find her.

He looked down, looking disappointed as he felt a painful pang in his chest and slowly made him way towards his family.

Sebastian looked at his son, his eyes widening as he immediately recognized the look on his face. He had the same look 19, almost 20 years ago when he saw Amaira for the first time. He did a little happy dance inside his head as he looked over at the distracted Armaan, who was unusually quiet, lost in his thoughts.

He smiled and made a mental note to talk to him as soon as possible.

"...right Seb?" Amaira turned to him, laughing at something Ryan and Zain told her.She looked at him questioningly as Sebastian turned to her and reflexively tightened his hold on her waist. She looked unbelievably beautiful today and he thanked his lucky stars that the wedding was soon enough, apparently not that soon but still.

She took in his expression and rolled her eyes. He bent his head for a brief kiss to which his friends awwed, his children ewwed and Amaira purred in response, and he knew she couldn't help it. He wanted to drag her away from the crowd for a few minutes but she had refused.

He followed his caveman instincts and suddenly picked up Amaira in bridal style as a shocked expression crossed her face.

His friends and family teased them as they made their way out of the hall, ignoring every word they said.

Amaira had turned red and buried her face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. His eyes widened as he sped to the exit because he int know how much more time he could hold without kissing her. They had not gone past kissing as he totally agreed with Amaira on taking things slowly. And as it is, they had the rest of their lives ahead.

"You're a jerk.." Amaira told him, when they had reached a small balcony, outside the hall. He closed the doors but the noise of music and chattering could be still heard.

He sensually let her slide down his body as he put her onto her feet.

"You look so beautiful today.." he murmured while kissing her softly. "How many more functions before I officially make  you mine?" he asked in a frustrated tone and she let out a little giggle at his tone.

"Well there is Sangeet, Mehendi and then on the wedding day, before the wedding there is Haldi and Chuda ceremony.." she playfully replied, kissing the side of his mouth as his hands snaked to her waist bringing her closer.

"I've heard that our children have prepared a performance for Sangeet.." Sebastian told her, touching his forehead with hers, just enjoying the feel of her.

"Yeah! I mean they banned me from the room. Zain, Ria(Zain's  wife), Ryan, Kate and the kids and even our parents" she told him, her eyes widening dramatically as she continued "--are performing. Isn't that amazing?  I hear the music going on till three in the morning. Even Aryan's performing! Can you believe that?" she rambled on like an excited kid as she told him about the brief glimpses on the serious rehearsals going on in her house. Sebastian just nodded and smiled in response as he felt a sheen of moisture blinding his eyes.

He was so happy, that sometimes he found himself crying. Amaira, in just these few weeks had taken away all the bitterness and guilt he had kept inside him. She had made him feel complete again.

Slowly he felt her kiss away the wetness on his cheeks as she shook her head before adding softly "No crying." as she hugged him  tightly


The next function came quickly, Alia thought as she waited at the designer's studio. Her last minute fittings were taking place and the function was about to start in 2 hours or so.

From the panicked and then angry calls she received from her mum, Aryan and her dad she knew she was in for a hell of a scolding once she reached back home.

They had to perform today at the Sangeet ceremony for which she was extremely nervous.

Her thoughts drifted to her brother as she waited. Armaan had been acting strangely since the day of the Sagan ceremony. He was unusually quiet, kept zoning out and had this weird lost-puppy look on his face most of the times. Yesterday he was so lost in his thoughts that he had walked straight into the door, breaking his spectacles in the process.

She was really getting worried about him , though he kept saying he was okay even after her constant nagging. In the past he usually gave up after a point and told her but this time he was extremely resistant to her nagging, her pinching and punching and kept his mouth shut. Her father just came inside the room quietly ,took him out  for a 'father-son talk' after that.Well she intended to find out what was wrong with her brother, or she  could just give him some time before she starts to bug him again?

She let out a sigh as she made her way towards the car, talking to her father. His 12th call in the last 60 minutes. Feeling a little creepy, she turned around to see if there was someone.

Well great, the hoodie guy again! He was really creeping her out now. Wherever she went, this hoodie guy was there.This had been going on for about a month now.Though she never got to see his face and she dint intent to, she thought as her mind wandered over to the crazy possibilities. What if he was a crazy rapist? Or a murderer looking for his next victim? She gulped, scared at the thought. She  had to tell her dad or her brothers about this..

Making her way quickly towards the car, she told her driver to drive as fast as he could before the hoodie guy catch-ed up with them in his black car.  As her car sped toward the exit she turned back, hoping not to catch a glimpse of her crazy stalker. Thank god, he was not following. She took a deep breath to calm herself down as the hoodie guy followed more discretely, making sure that she reached her home safely.












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