Chapter 24

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Sometimes being pushy and forceful is the only option left.

Well it was the only option left according to Sebastian. Amaira had been quite efficiently avoiding him since the day in the hospital, and now he was at his wits end. He wanted, no needed her, needed to hold her in his arms, needed to feel her around him..

Well if she wants it the hard way then so be it.

His children and his friends apparently were helping him with this plan as the plan Armaan had thought of was a little tuff for almost a 40 year old man.

"You think she's awake?" Ria whispered as she came behind his with a huge bouquet of roses.

"No I checked." Kate whispered back.

"You think she'll kill us after this?I mean what we are doing will pretty much scare her to death." Alia said as she turned to Armaan who simply shrugged.

"Well she will most definitely want to kill the person near to her and that' ll be you--"  Armaan nudged his father "--so I hope you are wearing a bullet proof jacket and carrying  the little whistle I gave you. Give us and indication as soon as she reaches for a nearest deathly object and we will be there for your rescue okay?" Armaan finished his nonsense in a serious tone while the rest of them just rolled their eyes.

"Oh god! where is the ladder?"

"You think its safe?"

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Will she be okay?"

"I think I need a new phone." 

All of them were voicing their concerns about him  and apparently some, his eyes narrowed to his daughter who just smiled sheepishly, were personal too.

"All the best." they all whispered screamed as Sebastian started climbing the ladder, willing himself not to look down.


He tiptoed in the moon lit-ed room, carefully sliding in beside Amaira  on the plush bed. Well it had been a task in itself to climb that damned ladder and get himself safely in the balcony adjoining Amaira's room and then to carefully and noiselessly open the door as he entered her air conditioned room, shivering a bit as the temperature change.

He sat near her and lightly caressed her cheek, loving the feel of her smooth skin and looked at her for a long time.

He carefully slid his arms under her slender silk wrapped  frame in order to take her with him.

"What--what the hell?" Amaira's eyes slowly opened as she mumbled a bit and when she saw Sebastian she screeched on top of her voice.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? PUT ME DOWN!" she said wildly moving her arms to get away from him but Sebastian had had just enough of her attitude so her efficiently hoisted her on his shoulder and carried her out of the room in cave man style while she kept punching his back and screaming. The fact that everybody knew and was a part of this kept them inside the room.

"You have lost it.. I swear to god I will kill you. You hear me?YOU HEAR ME? CANT YOU HEAR ME?"

"Baby the whole neighborhood can hear you. Now I thought you dint want to a scene.." he mocked her repeating her words she said when he had tried to talk to her the day before.

"PUT.ME.DOWN" she said it through her clenched teeth trying hard to keep in anger in check.

"Okay." he said happily and within few seconds opened the car door, literally dumped her inside and put the child lock on as he crossed to get in from his side, while Amaira tried her level best to somehow open the door and get out.

"Just relax and enjoy the ride." he said with she sat glaring daggers at him.If looks could kill he would have been burnt swallowed by the devil and transported to hell..all by the love of his life, the lovely woman sitting beside him.

"Where are we going? And that too in our night wear! Have you really lost your mind? Sebastian Blackwell I'm warning you, don't you dare even open your mouth to tell me that we have to get out this car. Where the hell are you taking me?" she asked sometime later, obviously the silent treatment she was giving him had lost its way due to her feisty temper.

"You will know about it soon. Its somewhere we can talk like two civilized people." he said quietly which somehow infuriated her even more. Sebastian gave her a glance as he was driving and chuckled at her posture, she was sitting there like an angry kid with her arms wrapped across her chest defensively and her lips pouting.

Suddenly the car screeched as it came to a halt and Sebastian got out of the car without a word. He opened Amair's door and put his hand forward. She just ignored him, refusing to budge even an inch  and Sebastian gave a deep sigh of defeat.

"Have it your way then." he said as he again somehow managed to drag her out of the car, this time carrying her in a bridal style . But this time , surprisingly, she dint  make any noise,  just sighed and turn her face to hide in his shoulder. They had entered a huge mansion, the dark making it difficult for her to see. Sebastian took Amaira through a dim lit-ted hallway to the bedroom slowly placing her on her feet before he turned to toss her a packet.

"Get changed, we have to leave in 10 minutes and don't even try to think of running away, okay?" he said before leaving her alone to change. Amaira screamed in frustration, weighing her options to leave but in the end gave up and she saw a whole lot of those security alarms which probably Sebastian had set in just to be sure about her movements.

She changed quickly into a white lose top and black denims and teamed it with a black jacket . What was wrong with Sebastian?In the middle of the night he had literally kidnapped her from her bed and was now dragging her to god knows where.

She grumbled as she moved out of the room, fidgeting with the ends of the jacket. She came to a halt as she saw Sebastian dressed in simple grey shirt with black denims and leather jacket . Even in a simple attire, he looked delicious..that was the word that only came to her hazy mind as she looked at him. Sebastian currently was talking on the phone, giving the directions about something but Amaira couldn't concentrate on a word.

"Yes..yes..okay..yes we are on our way out..okay..."

He turned to look at  her, his eyes roaming up her body and he finally met her eyes and he lost all trail of his thought. He couldn't hear what the person on the other end was saying. He quickly ended the call, still not taking his eyes off Amaira.

"Do the kids know about this stupid thing you are doing?" Amaira demanded and Sebastian just smiled.

"The kids, our parents, Kate, Ryan, Zian, Samara and Misha.. all were a part of this. As a matter of fact they all arranged whatever little I left.Come on now, the car is waiting. Wait before we move out of that door, let me remind-no warn you that don't even try of running away. This is Samar's farmhouse, fully guarded so you wont be able to get out of this place."

"No need to repeat yourself, I'm not a kid." she said stiffly moving towards the door.

"You sure behave like one." he muttered slowly, quickly following her to the car.

The whole journey was completed in total silence where Amaira completely avoided him. The car came to a stop and Sebastian got out and opened Amaira's door for her to get out.

"Why are we at the airport?" Amaira asked him, her eyes widening as she looked at him, smiling widely at her.

"Because baby now we are leaving for our much awaited honeymoon."









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