Chapter 29

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Chapter song: The Feeling by Justin Bieber feat. Halsey
(Justin's pov)
I wonder if Val's ever been in a hot air balloon. I don't know, but I'm sure she'll enjoy it. Something different will make her forget about what's been going on with her.
Sex slavery? Really? That's illegal. Why the fuck are people running that shit anyway? And why Val? She's done nothing wrong, well, besides playing with my head.
Why hasn't she told someone? Asked for help? I swear, I'm gonna track down whoever is doing this to her. Nobody deserves to experience that. I have a few friends who've been apart of it, so maybe I can find a way to help Val. Maybe I can find out who's doing this to her.
"Do you know how to work this?"
Val and I are in the hot air balloon. Damn, she's gorgeous. Her body is a wonderland. ;)
"Of course. I've done this a million times before."
Well, maybe that's an over exaggeration.
Her voice trails off, mixing in with a nervous breath.
"No need to be scared, babe. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't know how to."
Maybe I should take it easy on the sarcasm. I mean, this is supposed to calm her, not scare her.
Gradually we begin to rise up into the air. Her bottom lip bitten, Val clutches the handles of the rail.
"Relax baby."
My hands attach to her waist and I soothingly collide my body to hers. My breath hits against her jaw as I warily kiss her skin. The sound of her amazed breath assures me that I've got her taken care of.
"You like the view?"
To make the moment even more intense, I trail my whisper up to her ear.
Her voice is shaken, in a good way. That means I've laid my effect on her.
"See? I do know how to work this."
Bringing my voice out of a whisper, I throw in a small joke to make her smile.
Her head tilts back a little as she giggles to meet my eyes.
"Don't be smart with me, babe."
Cherishing the moment, I lean in and kiss her right on her temple.
"Are you from Canada?"
That's a random question, but it sure brings a spark to her eye.
"Yea, London, Ontario. Why?"
I answer for her while my hands fiddle with the hem of her shorts.
"You have an accent."
She points out, her glossy lips tugging a smile.
I tease her by turning her around to face me.
"And it's cute."
Her eyes ask me if that what I want to hear, and it's true.
"You forgot to say that Canadians fuck better."
Before she can push me away, I snatch her close and kiss her deeply.
Her body melts away in my hold, making me feel powerful. Not an ounce of hesitation wanders during the kiss. It's just love, the fucked-up type.
"I love you."
Please tell me she loves me back. It's all I depend on.
"I love you too."
And I feel complete. How could I ever fuck anybody else? Sure, I have a serious sex addiction, but it's dedicated to Val. Or at least I want it to be dedicated to her.
"How far are we going?"
Don't ruin the moment, please. Dammit.
"We're going back."
I mutter in annoyance. I hate it when the moment is ruined.
"Are you upset?"
Her grey-blue eyes scan mine, full of confusion and hurt.
"No no. I just need you so bad."
Minus well tell the truth.
"Kiss me."
Val blissfully falls into my arms again, staring at me patiently.
Without reluctance, I smash my lips on hers, feeling her body in curiosity. I won't take this too far, but I wish I could.
Finally, we arrive back on land. Val's pushing my buttons, enticing me to fuck her. The worst part is that she can't help it. She's not even aware of it.
"You ready to go?"
My heart is pounding with anticipation. Fuck.
Val and I get in my car, and I start driving. I need to fuck her. It's not my fault. It's all her fault. She's got my sex drive turned up all the way.
It's so difficult to keep my eyes on the road when Val's breathing right beside me. I take a glance at her, and she smiles. Then she bites her lip. That's it.
With a sharp turn, I stop the car. Where do I go? Shit!
"Come here."
I push back my seat until I'm far away from the steering wheel.
Val takes off her seatbelt and sits on my lap.
"I need you."
The desperate need to fuck her is getting worse by the second.
"Well, what do you want me to do?"
Val has an amused spark in her eyes.
"Touch me."
I take off my shirt, and she starts touching my skin, every muscle in my arms. Off goes her shirt, and I scour over her beautiful body.
"Get on me."
I unzip her shorts and my pants. My heart won't calm down and neither will my dick.
"Uhm, ok."
Val gives me a look that tells me I'm crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm just desperate to fuck.
"Get on my dick, Valerie."
The words come out more like an order than a beg.
"Ok ok."
This time, Val smile and pulls down her panties. Yes.
I put on a condom and hold onto her waist to aid her in lowering onto me. Once she's on, I groan in satisfaction.
"You've got a problem, baby."
Her pussy feels sooo good. It's like entering a hot tub in the middle of winter. She's so comfortable, the perfect match for my dick.
"I don't care. I need you."
She has no idea. Her body rocks back and forth, on repeat. Then I start to show her how to bounce on me. Our moans fuse together, vibrating the windows.
Soon enough I feel a release coming up.
"Keep going baby."
I breathe out pleasurably, and she moans while continuing to bounce on me.
"Can I cum babe?"
Val's moans hit right against my ear, and right at that moment I release myself, in the condom of course.
Val impatiently moans for my answer.
"Yesss go babygirl."
I moan in response and dig my fingers into her ass. Her pussy clenches before her moans become louder, signaling her release. It's a harmonious orgasm to every one of my senses.
After our session, we return to our seats in a breathy silence.
"What time is it?"
Val's barely catching her breath, her hair still a lavender mess.
"Shit. It's already 4pm. How long did we take?"
If that's the case, then we fucked for a whole forty-five minutes.
"Should we get dinner?"
Her pink lipstick is now smeared.
"Let's stop at my place first."
I need a shower to wash the sex off myself.
I'm thinking about Red Lobster for dinner.
Then I've got to call my friend, Chaz, to help me find out how to help Val. Chaz is apart of the whole sex slavery business. I'm not sure if he owns a bitch or makes money off of one. I just know that he's the only person I know who can help me.
Protecting Val is now my number one priority. Fuck everything else. I need to help Val, so she can be mine. Only mine. I won't have to worry about her. She'll be all mine.

(A/N: Shit! Purpose comes out at 12am! I'm gonna die😱😱😱😱 Next post is on Saturday)

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