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A/N: The next few chapters are going to be fasting forward toward the end of her pregnancy. It's going to go a bit fast before it slows down again because I have a lot in store for everyone.


She watched as he got ready that night, moving about the bedroom and getting things as he went. He carefully put on his clothes before his shoes then his watch. She had no idea what his plans were besides him saying that he was going out with the guys.

Knox was at her side, watching TV as he laid in their blankets lazily. Now that she was almost seven months pregnant; he started to be even more protective of her. He didn't stray far from her side and he almost always asked her what she needed.

"Are you going to be okay?" Colin broke her out of her reverie.

"Yeah, we should be..."

"Good. I'll call in a little to check up on you." He leaned over to kiss her cheek then Knox's head before leaving out.

She had never had a problem with Colin going out but something about this time made her a bit antsy. He went out with the guys all the time, it wasn't anything different tonight was it?

Her phone rang and she sneered to hear Sammie's excited voice.

"Guess what?!"

"Hello to you too...what am I supposed to be guessing?"

"Well, I'm in town and I'm coming to see my nephew. What do you want me to bring?"

"Candy!" Knox enthused and she smirked as Sammie laughed.

"Candy it is...and for the baby machine?"

"Chinese food. A lot of Chinese food."


"What movie are we gonna watch?" She padded into the theater room with the forks and napkins as Sammie looked through the movies.

"It's between Jurassic Park, Halloween, or Mulan. What do you think Knox?"

"Can we watch Jurassic Park mommy?"

"Jurassic Park it is."

The movie was put on and they sat eating and watching like they had never seen it before. Then something occurred to her.

"What are you doing in town?" She muttered as she cuddled into the big chair.

"I'm apartment hunting."

"Apartment hunting?"

"Yeah. You know London is great but I want to live somewhere I actually know people and I'm not thousands of miles away."

"Meaning you're moving because you want to be closer to me. I'm flattered." She stuck her tongue out and rolled her eyes.

"Yes. That and I have another reason to move..."

"Which is?"

"I met someone..."

"Really? Like you're seeing someone?"

"Yes. His name is Mike and he's a little bit older than us. He's a good guy and we've been seeing each other for almost a year."

Between Us(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now