New Soul

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That cry. The cry that introduced her to both terror and joy.

And when she saw that face; she couldnt have asked for anything more special or more beautiful.

Her son.

And the tears that were running down her face were both happy and relieved tears. Her baby was her and he was okay.

"He's here, he's really here..." she sobbed as she laid back and rested a bit.

She couldn't fathom any other moment in her life that could possibly amount to this. This was her breakthrough. She was a mother. She was in charge in charge of steering someone's life in the right direction and she vowed to always be open and do the right thing.

When he was laid in her arms; she couldnt help but to stare at the piece of perfection they had created. He had an overwhelming amount of curly hair that peeked from the edges of his hat, and long eyelashes that rested on his cheeks. A cute little nose and chubby cheeks with small pouty lips. His tan skin glowed a bit, only a shade or two lighter than Colin's.

"Look at him, he's amazing." She looked up to see Colin trying to blink the tears away. "We did it..we have a baby."

"Yeah, we do. He's so handsome."

"Like his daddy." He smiled and leaned down to kiss her head.

"You did great baby, he's perfect."

Then it came to her; the perfect name for the baby.

"I wanna name him Knox...Knox Antley Kaepernick."

"Knox...I like that name. It's a great name actually..."

"You wanna hold him?" He nodded and she carefully passed the baby to him.

And as if her heart wasn't already beating fast, the sight of her husband with their baby really did it.



Maybe he shouldn't be here.

He didn't know if he was over stepping boundaries or if he would be thrown out. It had only been about two hours since the word came that she had the baby and they both were healthy. That was good.

But he needed to make sure she was really okay.

Call him crazy but that's all he really wanted: for her to be okay.

He pushed open the door, walking around the small corner to see her laid in the bed looking tired but happy. Her hair was down and curly about her makeup less face, and she was glowing a bit. She was alone for the moment.

She looked up and smiled at him.

"Hey stranger." He smiled softly and went to sit by her. He sort of let his eyes dance over her face for a bit, registering her for a moment.

"You look tired."

"I am. Giving birth to an eight pund, ten ounce baby will do that to a woman."

"Eight pounds hm?"

"Yes. He's so chubby. You have to see him sometime."

"I will. In the meantime how are you doing?"

"I'm good, happy. Thank you for getting me to the hospital, I thought I would have to give birth at home."

"Home? You mean your museum of a house?" She laughed.

"It is big isn't it? I've been wandering around for the past couple of months exploring."

"It's actually pretty cool looking though to be honest. Did you pick it out?"

"No, it was a gift."

"When the baby starts walking you're going to lose him, I can feel it."

"Oh God, I hope not. I might have to lock him up with those little baby gates."

"He's your kid, he's going to find a way out. We're talking about a kid that's a direct descendant of a natural born rebel. It's gonna be crazy."

"I'm hoping there's enough of like Colin that he's not as bad as me. It's gonna be so bad. You're right." She smiles and his hearts melts some more.

Is this what a slow death feels like?

"I'm glad your baby is okay...what's his name?"


"I like that name. Knox Kaepernick?"

"Yes and he's a great looking kid like I don't mean to brag but..." He laughs.

"Listen Ehm, I want to apologize for that phone was awful of me to do that."

"It's fine Harry. Really. Everyone needs time and you're no different. I'm just glad you're here."

"Me too. Get some rest okay? You're certainly not going to get it with a baby home." She smirks and nods and he leans over to allow himself a kiss to her cheek before getting up.

He hears a door open and Colin comes into view, something crossing his face when he registers what's going on. He looks behind him to Morgan and it softens a bit before he looks back.

"Could I talk to you outside for a minute?" He mutters quietly.

He glanced back to see Morgan asleep and looked back to Colin; nodding. They went out into the hallway and waited till some nurses passed before Colin started to speak.

"Harry I know me and you haven't been on good terms in the past but I'm very appreciative that you were there today. It might have been worse if you weren't."

"It's nothing...really. Congratulations." Colin smiles.

"Thank you. Listen Harry you're still very important to Morgan. I couldn't figure out why at first, but I get it now. I'm willing to put everything behind me if you are."

"Yeah...yeah that would be great. Clean slate." He takes a deep breath. "I just want her to be happy and she's really happy with you. This is everything she's ever wanted and I'm happy that she's got it. That the both of you have."

"Thank you." He smiles again and puts a hand out. They shake and come to an agreement.

And maybe everything will be okay for him.


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