Birthing Class

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-a month later-

"Why do we have to go to this thing?" She groaned as they drove out of the city and to a more suburban area.

"The doctor strongly recommended we go because we're first time parents."

"I know how to hold a baby, you know how to hold a baby. I think we're already two steps ahead of the rest of the new parents." He laughed and reached a hand over the console to rub her leg..

"It'll be fine, just a couple of classes. You'll survive. And you'll get to meet other women in your condition."

No thanks.

"This isn't a pregnancy dating class, it's a birthing class that I really don't want to be in. And besides, other women in my condition do not like me...I'm neautral."

She could recall the times she'd went out and other pregnant women as well as other women in general have given her dirty looks. She had no idea why.


"I don't sit and eat all day, I'm not constantly on the move like the buisness women, I don't get scared and research a bunch of websites if the baby kicks me. I'm chill..."

"You, are crazy..." He smirked as his eyes stayed on the road. "Well, we're already out of the house so it wouldn't hurt to check it out." He had made up his mind. Great.

She didn't want to be around women in her condition; they were too emotional and she had enough of that herself.

When they got there, they were greeted nicely and were asked to sit on the floor amongst the other couples. Some of the women were either bigger than her or smaller.

"We have a new couple with us here, go on, introduce yourself." The teacher smiled brightly and gestured to them.

"I'm Colin Kaepernick and this is my wife Morgan." He nudged her slightly and she gave a fake smile and wave.

She was leaned back against his chest as she sat between his legs.

"Hi Colin and Morgan..." the other people greeted in unison; it made her nauseous.

"We're going to start with breathing exercises. Breathe in...breathe out." They started to close their eyes and do as the teacher said.

"We can leave while their eyes are closed." She mumbled to her husband.

"Just breathe. Try it for me? Please?" He kissed under her ear.

"Fine." She started breathing like they were and after five minutes the lady finally stopped.

They went through a series of birthing methods including a bathtub one for water birth. All of the women sat in individual little pools set up for them without water as they went through several different stances and what not.

"I am not having our kid in water." She muttered to him.

"Why do people actually do this? That's really gross." He frowned from outside of the pool.

"All of the birth juices will be in the water and that's disgusting."

The last part was sex positions and boy was it even more awkward than before.

And she guessed they were the odd balls because they couldn't stop laughing long enough to take it as serious as the other couples.

"I feel like I'm playing a bad game of twister.." He mumbled to her.

They made them do a position where a special pillow was placed in front of her stomach as he assumed position behind her.

"This is uncomfortable when you have another person you have to carry around."

"We're not having sex like this while you're pregnant." They laughed before they heard the teacher speak up again.

"All right class, that's the end of today's session. See you next week."

Yeah right.



hen they got home she went to the kitchen to start cooking dinner but he stopped her.

"I got it, relax for a bit." He kissed her temple.

She liked watching him cook; it was amusing. She sat back and watched him as he went about looking for things.

"Hey babe?"

"Yeah?" He was concentrating hard on whatever he was cooking.

"Don't you think we should get a house? Like a real house?"

"We have a house..."

"This is a man cave, we need a house..."

"What kind of house are we talking about here? A town house?"

"No, like a backyard where we can set up his playground toys, and a dinning room where we can have sophisticated dinners, his own room where he can drive me crazy with his toys. A house..."

A big house.

She had never had one of those before.

"I thought you liked living in the city?"

"I do but we have to think about the baby...this house is a baby danger zone."

"It's not a baby danger zone, it's an apartment. It's nice, comfortable, chill, not too much going on."

Yes because a rock climbing wall is not a lot going on.

"There is glass everywhere, sharp corners, the cabinets open easily, there are knives out, and we haven't even thought about where he is going to sleep..."

"In our room, in his crib."

"And when he gets older?"

"The living room?"

She stared at his back for a few moments, thinking about what she could throw that would hurt him but not kill him.

"I cannot believe you, you seriously think our child is going to sleep in the living room? Fine, you don't even have to help look for a house because I will."

"Baby, I was just playing..."

"Nope its done..."

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