Your Love

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"Take this off..." she mumbles against his lips, tugging at the bottom of his sweatshirt. He moves up on his knees to drag off both his sweatshirt and shirt, revealing his broad chest to her.

Something about the way his eyes look makes her shudder a bit as he moves back down to hover over her. He's holding his upper half up on his hands that are placed on either side of her ribcage and he's still staring down at her in a way that makes her feel a bit shy and weird. A look she's not really witnessed before when it came to her.

Of course his body is in the middle of her legs and she moves her legs to wrap around his waist. Not necessarily in a totally sexual way but because she likes the way his body sort of molds to hers in a way that only they know. It's the privacy at the moment that makes her heart swell. The intimacy.

Though the small rock of his hips against her is also very intimate.

He's brushing against her cloth covered core, his bulge rubbing her in just the right way that makes her arch her back and close her eyes. He moves again; drawing a moan from her and making her clutch onto him, her hands holding at his sides. What has she ever done to deserve this? This man above her.

Her head lulls to the side because she's really enjoying the way he's rubbing against her in just the right way. His lips are moving slowly down her neck and back up in the same pattern over and over and she can smell that smell. The smell of cologne and lotion and just...Colin. It's his smell, the one that belongs to only her man and it's intoxicating.

The thought that this is only the beginning is what's makes her skin crawl a bit because if this is driving her crazy then she's going to go ballistic when they really start. Like who the hell taught him to move like this?

"Do you feel me baby? Do you feel what you do to me?" He murmures against her skin.

Is spontaneous combustion an option?

"Yes...yes..." It's all she can manage as of right now. A breathless whisper.

He sits up again, quite abruptly, and unwrap her legs from around him. She's about to protest when his fingers hook into her night shorts and underwear, tugging them down and off of her. The cold air makes her hiss slightly but she quickly gets use to it. His slightly rough but still remarkably soft hands grab at her sides first before starting their slow decent down...down....

And he knows how much he's driving her crazy because he smirks slightly when he steers completely clear of where she really wants his hands. They move down and over her hips, down her legs and to her calf before they move back up the same way they came.

"You're not being fair."

"Did I ever promise to be fair when it came to this?"

"No. I think I might slip that rule into the vows though." He laughs his goofy but still incredibly cute laugh before shaking his head.

"You've been gone for a while, and we actually have time. I missed you. I wanna take my time."

He bites his lip before she feels him sink two fingers inside of her; deliciously slow. She clutches onto the pillow under her head as she groans out.

"All in time baby..."


-two days later-


"Are you going to be able to behave yourself at this event or are you just going to make an ass of yourself?" Gemma smirked.

"I'm not going to do anything. It's a charity event, I'm going to focus on that."

Though he was glad Morgan would be there by herself. No fiancé no problem. The thought was oddly satisfying.

"Right. I'll believe it when I see it."

"Why am I even taking you? I should have asked mum."

"She's busy and I'm your favorite person. Plus, as your big sister I demand that you take me anyway." She smirked.

He rolled his eyes before looking out the window. The traffic was getting a bit heavier which means they are almost to the venue. He'd have to do interviews, smile for cameras and what not as usual which would only bore him rather than be entertaining. Paparazzi shouting names, camera flashes and yelling. Fine way to get an evening started. Sike.

When they arrive, the doors are opened and he steps out, cameras making him squint. People scream and he moves around to meet Gemma, putting his arm out so they can walk onto the red carpet and start their torture.

About five minutes in he hears an engine revving and then people screaming. At first he doesn't pay attention because that's normal but he feels Gemma pinch his arm, trying to get his attention.

"Remember how you said you would concentrate on the event?" She keeps a smile as she murmmures to him.

"Mhm." He answers back and hears her scoff.

"I bet you wish you could take that back now."

Then he hears it.

"MORGAN! MORGAN AND COLIN! OVER HERE!" One of those names wasn't supposed to be said tonight.

He ignores the paparazzi and chances a glance to the side of him. There she is; and there he is. Just when he thought he had luck on his side.

She looked beautiful in her black gown. The front was intricate lace that stopped above the middle of her thigh; showing off her gorgeous legs. A single button was in the middle of her stomach that held both sides of it together, the back of the dress falling down to her feet and it was long sleeved with lace peeking out at the ends. The lace shows small little peeks of her brown skin and her long curly hair is up in a ponytail. Good God.

Of course he's at her side in a black tux, looking like he does, in fact, belong there.

Crap. Crap. Crap.

Stop staring Harry. Stop.

He looks back to the cameras and what not, forcing a smile. This night is going completely left field compared to what he was expecting.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Now, he does wish he could take his words back.

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