Coming Over

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A/N: I really can't believe how many votes and views I've gotten so far! I honestly didn't think anyone would really like this or even vote for it but I guess I thought wrong! You guys are great.:)


Football season is over.

This season had been extremely hard and crazy but it's over. He has worked hard and done what he needs to do. Now it's time to focus on one thing and one thing only: his family.

He's sat in the kitchen when he hears the surprising sound of heels on the floor. He looks up just in time to see Morgan enter the kitchen with the baby in her arms.

She's wearing black ripped jeans and a black sleeveless top....and stilettos?

"What are you doing?"

"I haven't worn heels in forever and I need to get back to my roots." He chuckles.


"When's the last time you saw me in heels?"

"I don't know, but why is it a big deal?"

"When we dated I wore heels like it was nothing, after we got married I still wore soon as I got pregnant, it was like heels weren't an option. Well now that the baby is out and he's fine; I need to look pretty again." She smiles down at Knox whose gurgling and playing with a toy in his hand.

"You look fine to me..."

"You have to say that because you're my husband." She rolls her eyes.

"Fine, no compliments." She gives him a look that says she knows that he knows what she means and he smirks.

"Ahhh! Dada!" Knox pipes up and he smirks.

"What are you doing hm?"

He gurgled some more, kicking his legs and smiling. He reached out for him and he grabbed him up in his arms,kissing his cheeks.

"We should brush his hair..."

"He's only six and a half months old, we can't brush his hair." He pushed the hair from his son's face.

"Yes we can, I've done it before." His eyes bugged.

"You brushed his hair? Babe we can't do that, he had that soft spot and you could have hurt him. That was really dangerous." She rolled her eyes.

"It's fine. I called your mom and my mom. He's fine. You wouldn't have known unless I told you." She snickered. "I'm gonna go get the comb and brush."

She sauntered away.

"I don't think this is a good idea." He moved after her with the baby in his arms.

"It'll be fine, come on."



"You think he's gonna cry?" Colin asked as he held Knox.

"No...he never does. It's grown so much in the past few weeks that if I don't comb and brush it, it's going to get knotted." He pursed his lips.

She got down to his level and smiled sweetly at her son. He was so handsome; a handsome you couldn't help but to stare at. Now almost a year old, he was still slightly chubby but a bit taller than before. You could tell that he wad Colims son when you looked at their eyes. He had her nose and lips though and a small sprinkling of freckles over his nose and cheeks.

His curls were incredibly long, falling over his face and down to his shoulders. Of course they weren't going to cut it, that would be murder. His curls were every bit of glorious and full along his head; and it meant the world to them that they take care of them.

"Can I brush your hair?" He smiled at her, showing his little bit of teeth before nodding. "Daddy's going to hold you though."

She stood up and started to come through it carefully, making sure not to hurt him. He sat patiently while Colin read to him,explaining words ever so often.

The thing about Knox was he was incredibly smart.

He loved to read and be read to, he was speaking a lot more than she guessed your average one year old spoke. He knew his colors and numbers and was learning shapes at the moment. Every night they would read to him about different thing, anything really, and she learned that though pictures were nice to him, he loved the words.

The task of brushing his hair was some work but still fairly easy to do. Plus, she loved to play in his wild curls, watch them bounce when she brushed them out straight and they coiled back to normal. It was fun for her.

When she finished she put all of it up into a ponytail so it wouldn't be in his face.

"Done." But she had failed to notice that while she was steadily brushing; he had fallen asleep. His head was leaned back on Colin's shoulder, his lips parted a bit as he breathed deeply.

"How does he manage to sleep through that?" He kissed his cheek and cuddled him to his chest.

"I don't know...more of a calming thing than something that bothers him."

He laid him down in the crib carefully as she watched from afar. The fact that Colin was being so careful when he had laid him down atleast a thousand times, made her laugh a bit. That and how worried he tended to be all the time. She had become the easygoing parent while he became the worrier.

When they walked out of the room she noticed, again, Colin's own curly hair. He had surprisingly started to grow it out, and now his glorious curls were something to fawn over a little.

"You know I couldn't figure out how Knox's hair had come to be so curly when my natural hair is we know."

"You never told me if you like it..." they were downstairs again, in the kitchen.

"Well, I have to judge it."

"Judge it?" She smirked, nodding as she moved over to him. She stood between his legs; reaching up to run her fingers through it for a moment. It was soft, the ringlets straightening momentarily before coiling back. It smelled like old spice shampoo and she liked the way it felt.

She started to become enticed with it and she probably had been feeling it for a good couple of minutes.

"Verdict?" He sounded relaxed, probably why he had just let her rub his hair forever.

"I really like soft it is," she kissed his temple. "And I like how scruffy your beard is," She kissed his jaw. "And how good you look."

He kissed her lips, pulling her closer to his chest.

"I like seeing you in your heels." He mumbled against her lips.

"What about just those?" She mumbled as he unbuttoned her pants.

"Already ahead of y-" she was cut off by his phone ringing on the island next to them. He ignored it and undid her zipper.

Soon it stopped ringing, so she could get back to concentrating on the feel of his lips along her neck. Hands tucked in the back of her pants to cup her backside and make her moan.

Then the phone started to ring again and she groaned.

"Just answer it? They obviously need you." He grimaced before reaching over to get his phone, answering it.

"Hello?" He listened for a moment and then his face went pale. "What?"

He pulled his hand away from her backside, but squeezed her side a bit.

"Yeah, I'll be right there. Okay..." He hung up and looked to her, his eyes worried.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"My friend, a guy I grew up with...he's been shot."

Between Us(Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin