Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail!


(Lucy's POV )

I walked over to the brown haired man taking off the tape covering his mouth.

"What the hell is the meaning of this?!" Kira spat. "Wait until the council finds out about this!" Shadow and Fang both growled at Kira, circling around him and baring their fangs.

"Oh, cut the act. You think the council will care? I know exactly who you are." I said, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

He scoffed and began laughing. I narrowed my eyes at him while Shadow and Fang snarled at him.

"You know what, just keep on laughing. We'll see who has the last laugh in the end," I said. Kira stopped and sighed, narrowing his eyes.

"What exactly do you want to know?"

"Are you a member of Death's Door?" I asked, pulling up a chair to sit down.

"Look," he hesitated before continuing, "before I tell you anything, we have to make a deal."

I crossed my arms. "Well," I answered. "What do you have in mind?"


"Since this is a masked ball, you're all going to be wearing masks, hence the name," Mr. Harding said standing as all the mages were sitting in the living room. "We have all of your attire taken care of, so there's no problem there. For now that's all, some of the maids will show you to your rooms." With that 6 maids showed up to show each individual guild there own rooms.

"Hey, Yukino," Gray called out. Said mage turned around, as well as some other mages, like a certain water mage and light dragon slayer.

Gray pulled Yukino to an empty room. "What is it, Gray?"

"Tell me exactly what's going on with Lucy." Gray demanded, as Yukino sat down on the empty bed in the room. She deeply sighed, but nonetheless answered.

"Before I tell you, you have to know how all of this happen; why you guys, Fairy Tail," she said, giving him a glare, "ignored her in the first place."

Gray looked taken aback before clenching his hands into fists.

"It's not his fault," a voice said. Both Yukino and Gray looked towards the open door where Lucy stood. The blonde mage walked in closing the door behind her.

"Look, Gray. Right now is not the time to explain what happened," Lucy said as she walked towards him. Gray looked down. "Not yet," Lucy said as she stood in front of him.

After a moment of silence, Lucy sighed, before putting a hand on Gray's shoulder. "Do you trust me, Gray?" Lucy whispered.

Gray snapped his head up meeting Lucy's eyes which were filled with different emotions he couldn't put into words.

He nodded wordlessly, before he felt two small arms wrapped around his torso. "Then you'll trust me when I tell you that when the time is right, you'll know everything." Gray looked shocked before wrapping his arms around her.

"I do trust you Lucy. Just remember you're not alone. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask me," Gray said, pulling away but keeping her at arm's length.

"And don't forget about me. You know you can always count on me, Lu." Yukino added.

Lucy smiled, "I know, and I thank you for that. Both of you." Gray and Yukino both smiled at her, until a knock was heard.

"Miss Lucy, excuse my intrusion," A maid said entering the room. "But your presence has been requested by Sir Harding." Lucy nodded.

"Lead the way." Lucy said, as she followed the maid out of the room, but not before waving towards Gray and Yukino.


With a knock, Lucy entered Mr. Hardings office.

"You wished to see me," Lucy said, sitting down next to Mrs. Harding on one of the chairs in front of Mr. Harding's desk.

Marc nodded. "I only wanted to tell you about the next meeting, and what it's going to be about."

"I'm aware about it, I just..." Lucy hesitated a moment, before continuing. "Don't you think they're acting a bit careless regarding this situation?" Marc and Vivian both shared a look.

"Lucy, there's still some things that you have yet to come accustomed to, it's only a tradition. You'll be fine I'll be with you the whole entire time, I promise." Lucy merely nodded her head as Marc continued explaining the plan for their next meeting.


"NATSU! THAT'S ENOUGH!" Erza yelled, grabbing said mage by the back of his shirt and punching him in the gut, knocking him unconcious.

The pink haired mage almost burned down the training grounds in the large backyard of the Harding's massion, and almost burned Erza's hair.

The other mages present paled and shuddered, glad they weren't in Natsu's shoes.

"Natsu-san!" Sting shouted, shocked as his rival became unconcious due to a single punch. Though it didn't surprise the Fairy Tail mages, after all it was Erza who knocked him out.

"What an idiot," Gajeel commented shaking his head, while the rest of the Fairy Tail mages sighed.

"They never change, do they?" Lucy asked herself, sighing before smiling as she watched her wolves chase around Happy and Plue.

Currently, the group of mages were all outside to train for the upcoming mission. They all decided to randomly pair up against each other and fight, whether as a duo or solo, so that in the future battles they would know how to work with those people, and also get to know more about their partners and oppenent's magic for the upcoming GMG.

Lucy; however, didn't participate. The blonde was further out into the training grounds, to leave some space between her and the other mages while they had their battle rounds.

She couldn't show her new techniques she learned, not yet. Not until her training was fully completed. Lucy scolded herself as she remembered the fight with Death's Door. She didn't have a choice but to fight the way she did. So far, the light alliance knew now that the blonde celestial mage could re-quip. Nonetheless, the mages were more shocked about the summoned spirits.

However, they were greatly mistaken if they thought the blond could accomplished that impossible feat of summoning 15 spirits all at once. Truth be told, the mage only summoned three spirits while the rest came through their own gates.

As a part of her training, Lucy was to search for an entire new set of keys called the Mythical Keys. Part of their abilities were that they had enough power to pass through their own gates, with of course, permission from their owner. The blonde also came across new silver keys as she stopped by magic shops throughout her travels.

She also had to create a greater bond with her spirits to eventually put their entire faith and trust into one another, and that's exactly what Lucy accomplished. Hence, why her spirits also grew stronger to be able to pass through their gates without depleting any of Lucy's magic.

Taking a deep breath, the Celestial mage sat down getting ready to meditate, until she sensed someone behind her; a shadow looming over her sitting figure. The blonde turned around with a questioning look on her face before being replaced with a surprised look.

"Fight me."


Sorry if this was short, next chapter will be longer. xD Anyways, until next time!!:)


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