I do and I don't

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"It's harder then I thought it would be, брат... She wasn't supposed to be this way and this wasn't supposed to be so hard. My instinct tells me to kill her, torture her but lately I can't seem to.

She's nothing like what Raven has told me, Viktoriya was right. She's nothing like him."  He stops speaking and continues to stroke my hair.

"Don't grow soft on me now брат and do not let a bitch with a golden pussy control your emotions. Do not forget what our father has taught us" the familiar stranger sounded very angry.

"I won't brother" my monster whispered.

  Desperately trying to cling to his words, even though the pounding in my head is growing and once again I am loosing consciousness.



"Wake up princess"

Rough shaking brings me back to reality, still I keep my eyes closed, my head was hurting a lot and I was definitely feeling lethargic.

"Come on now, up, up" Alex said sounding frustrated.

"Hm" I stretch out, and instantly grimace due to the pain. "It hurts" I whisper out loud to anyone or anything close to me.

"I know, you are in pain, that's why I brought you this medicine, see. You must get up now, or we will be late"

I force myself up and open my eyes and see Alex staring at me with annoyance and hatred.

"Here you must drink this" pushing a glass filled with brown liquid in my face. It smelled like rotten hay. Disgusting!

I take it praying it will stop the pain. The drink burns my throat, I retch a bit before I am able to swallow the whole thing.

I hand him the empty glass back, feeling light headed and a bit energetic since I am longer in pain right now, I think or it could be I am in pain but I no longer care.

Whatever it might be, the drink definitely worked. "Come now" he roughly grabs my hand and pulls me toward the church.

Instead of helping him by walking, I decided to be dead weight. After couple of minutes later he seemed to have gotten tired of dragging, he turned around and carried me to Vasily's bedroom and dumped me straight on to the bed, not to gently I might add. And with that he shut the door and left me in the darkness.

Sometimes I wonder how my life could have been different, this is one of those time where I can't stop visualizing all the ways I could have been able to avoid this exact moment, place and the people. I honestly thing I am the most unlucky person.

For awhile I let my dark thoughts consume me and let sink in the depth of despair. As my eye lids grew heavy with each passing thought, soon it was impossible for me to fight the tiredness and I fell into a deep slumber.

"wake up princess" his slurring voice and whiskey lace breath pulls me from the darkness. I could tell his body was on the bed next to me, a moment later he placed his forehead on my cheek and his hands all over my breast. Fumbling he tries to take my dress but the efforts are wasted since his hands kept shaking. I open my eyes but the room was too dark, to see what state he was in.

"Blassted mother fucking dress" there was long pause and with a sigh he sat up. "I can tell your a wake my little zhena" his hand comes up to my face and softly he caress my right cheek, in very out of character manner. The months I have spent with him this is the first time, I felt he was touching me, like a human.

For the first time, I didn't find his hand on me disgusting. The vile that used to rise in my throat whenever he was near by, was not there this time. I honestly do not know what emotions was going through my head. It was all so new and different to me. Tears rose and dropped like rain from my eyes and on to his hand.

Inhaling sharply he removes his and for awhile everything is completely silent. Low whisper he spoke something in Russian that I could not quite comprehend "izvinyayus (sorry)" 

With that he placed his mouth on mine, and instantly the taste of whiskey coated on his tongue hit me, blinding all my other senses. I felt intoxicated by him. Felt myself sinking deeper and deeper into his embrace, I had lost all control at this point and my hands acting on their on pull him closer. My hands clinging to his hair, and my tongue wrapped around his. Euphoria washes over me.

In this moment I all I want to do is stop thinking, there's no point in fight him, fighting will only bring pain in the end. Right now I just wanna feel. Moving my hand I pull his jacket off and he complies by removing it completely, as the jacket fall, so does his shirt and all my control along with it.

It takes a moment for both of us to take my dress off, after the last bit of resistance falls. We are both completely naked and began to kiss all over again, his lips running everywhere., marking his territory. Goosebumps begins to form on my arm and every part of my body. "I'm going to taste every inches of your body today" a delicious chill runs along my body hearing his statement. I couldn't response, biting my lips to prevent myself from moaning or worse begging him to touch me more. His mouth moves on to my right nipple and like a hungry baby he begins to suck on it as if his trying to quench his thirst with my milk.

I couldn't control the moan that came out, what little control I had it felt like it was sleeping. I never felt so sensitive before and when his other hand started pinching my left nipple I couldn't hold back the scream. "AHH Vasily"

As if hearing his name made a current go through him, jolting him from the task of sucking my nipple, and hurriedly with a groan he pushed his dick inside me.

A burst of pain washed over me, it stung so bad, I felt tear leaking from my eyes. Expecting the pain to last I was taken back when pleasure coursed through me. Spreading my thighs as wide as it can go, he picked up the pace and laid his warm delicious weight over me. I hands once again on their own began to explore his back. Slowly it traveled down his spine, time slowed.

All I felt was him inside me rubbing the most pleasurable and the sensitive part of me till I'm moaning his name. With each thrust he made me come alive. I felt myself completely lost in him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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