Chapter 1 : Just your average teenage story.

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"Bells you excited for school"

"Not particularly, you know I hate waking up in the morning"

Ever since I can remember waking up from a deep slumber has never been my strong suit. "Only two more years to go darling" I pick up my empty plate and head to the kitchen. "Yeah I know" I start washing all the dirty plates and pots on the sink. "I still have no idea on what I am supposed to do mom", it's not for the lack of trying.

We have moved to US when I was 14 years old. I not really sure where we lived before because of some unfortunate events I have no memories, what so ever of my childhood, it doesn't really bother me as much as it used. But for some reason I have been trying to figure out what I like and don't like and every time I come to like something for certain amount of time then its back to square one.

"Oh honey don't worry you will defiantly find something to do. Now why don't you leave the rest to me and go to sleep. I honestly do not have the energy as I used to, to wake you up" she grabbed the sponge from my hand and handed me a dry towel with the other.

"Goodnight sweetheart, you have a big day tomorrow" kissing my forehead, she started to clean up where I left off. "Good night Mom"

"Belle wake up or you're going to be late for school" Mom yelled from downstairs.

"God can't she shut up already" I mumbled to myself.

"I heard that, now get your lazy butt out of the bed and get ready and come down before you're late on your first day of school". God this woman is going to be the death of me.

After a couple of seconds of silence, I snuggled closer to my blanket and continued to sleep. "Isabella De Rosa, you are going to be bloody late for your first day of sophomore year" she started pulling my blanket away from my bed. "Mom five minuter"

"I already gave you five minutes, 20 minute ago! YOU either get up now or leave without breakfast. Your choice"

"Fine, fine I'm up" sitting up with my eyes closed "see up"

"Yes now go to the bathroom, get ready and come downstairs"

"Mom why don't you go prepare my breakfast"

"I already did, and I am not leaving until I see your butt out of the bed and into the bathroom"

"For god sake Mom I am 16 years old, I do not need to be treated as a child"

"Then stop acting like one".

"I don't like you" I ran to the bathroom " I'll be downstairs" mom called out as I started to brush my teeth vigorously for 5 second and then moved on to washing my face.

After putting some cream on my face, got dressed in some black skinny jeans and took out one of my simple brown tank top and grabbed my blue jacket and decided last minute to put on some makeup. I put on some eyeliner, mascara and a bit of cherry lip tint.

Over all my hazel green eyes stood out the most, that'll do.

I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs. "You look beautiful darling. Love what you did with your eyes. Oh my you look like a fairy"

"Stop it mom" I kiss her cheeks "good morning mom". After both of us have our routine breakfast "I won't be able to give you ride to school today" she started to clear the table "why not, I seriously do not want to walk today of all day mom" I give her my are you serious look " I know sweety, but my boss called me to pick up an package from the other side of the town"

"I understand" her job is priority number one for both of us. With this job I don't know what we would have done. "Why don't take the other route today. I'm pretty sure it will be pretty empty" and long. Fluffballs!

I needed to get going now, if I am going to make it in by the first bell.

"Alright, bye mom"

"Goodbye Belle"

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