Who's your master?

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It's been more than a two weeks since I have seen my master and frankly speaking I am glad. My bruises are finally starting to heal.

  With him being gone my nerves are starting to relax but I know that's not going to last long. I thought about running away, and find the police station or someone who was willing to help me but that son of gun locked me from outside.

  The only person that I saw was a maid that comes to my room bring a tray full of food. I tired to talk to her but she doesn't understand English, which you guessed didn't really work in my favor. But I am not giving up not yet.

   After eating my lunch, I decided to take nap. I was just about to close my eyes when the door sprung open. I sat up and saw my nightmare standing in front of me.

  "Well, well looks like someone has gotten comfy, while I was gone" his English was thick with the Russian accent. "Get up and strip" he voice was laced with authority, try as I might I didn't have the nerve to refuse his command.

   So throwing what was left of my pride in the gutter, I got up and stripped out of the night gown the maid had given me last night and stood there, my eyes locked in his. I knew what was coming by looking at his hungry eyes, he took a step towards me and bent his head, I almost thought he was going to kiss me, but instead he put his forehead on my forehead and closed his eyes.

   After what seemed like ages he opened them and I could see what I thought at first was hunger turned out to be anger. Before I could even blink, he grabbed my breast, with his large hand and started roughly, messaging them.

   At one point it would have felt nice if I subtract being kidnapped and raped but I can't so no it was not nice, it was a disgusting feeling. " You know these would have to be my second favorite thing about you, well the first would have to be that tight cunt of yours" I gasped at his words and the fact that his hands stop messaging my boobs, instead now they were painfully twisting them... It hurt so bad I wanted to cry " please....s-stop" I begged and realize too late that I shouldn't have done that.

  "I thought you learned your lesson, but looks like I have to remind you" anger clearly visible in his voice, with that being said, he pushed me on to the bed and stripped out of his black suit. I don't know if should pray to god for him to go easy on me or pray to god for him to not kill me. " Now slave tell me who is your master" I gulped, when he climbed on top me, his legs are now between my legs and he pulled my hand on top my head and covered them with his hand.

  "Y-you are master" hopefully now he won't punish me too hard like the first night he raped me. " Do you think as a master I like being told what to do, by the likes of you" he slammed into me, filling me up all the way. I was waiting for that excruciating pain I felt the last time but thank god it wasn't like that. It hurt still but I can bare it. " ANSWER ME" he yelled and started thrusting in me roughly, I tried to wiggle away but he covered my hand with his and put his weight on my body. " AH...n-no-no master, I uh ah mm sorry" I panted, as he continued to thrust inside, it still hurt but to my horror it starting to feel good and as soon as the feeling started it soon ended.

   His pace started to become uneven and I knew it was ending, thank The Lord. With one last thrust he spilled his seed inside of me. His head once again resting on top my forehead, his eyes was close, breathing hard. We stayed like this for what seemed to be hours, once his heavy breathing stopped, he opened his eyes. And just when I thought was the ending turned out to be the beginning of a long painful.

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