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*Bella POV*
  It's been couple of hours since I woke up and every part of was in pain. I tired to move my legs and arm, but I gave that up when I realized with the slightest movement the pain resonates ten times stronger. Plus the fact that this cruel bastard has been wrapped around me like a baby monkey didn't help either.

I wanted to cry,

I wanted scream

and most of all I wanted to kill this beautiful bastard.

  This is not how I imagined my future to be like, kidnap, raped and abuse. No I honestly thought after high school I'd go to my community college get a degree in something and get a boyfriend, then around age 26 get married.

  Now it was all ruined "Why me" I said out loud the same question I have been asking myself on the inside.

  "Well krasivaya rabom (beautiful slave) I needed a new doll and you just happened to be at the wrong place at the right time for me" he grumbled while rubbing his eyes. " Now krasivaya let us go take a shower" he got up and pulled me along. I didn't have the energy to fight back, and frankly I was scared of the things he would do to me if I did not obey him.

  He picked me up bridal style when I couldn't walk on my own. Then with no warning what so ever he dropped me into the tub filled with warm water. I yelped when the warm water touched my skin and slowly started to relax, but all too soon that ended when I felt him move my shoulders to make room for him exactly in the back.

  " Turn around" he used that same voice as he used last night and so I turned not because he told me to but because I did not want to get beaten up again. With effort I was now facing him, sitting in a Japanese style, in between his leg. " now suck" he whispered.

( couple of days later )

   For the past week, I have been feeling at ease and honestly I don't like it, it feels as though something bad is about to happen." So Vasily how is your little slave" I turned around to see Alex smirking at me and for some reason I can't help but feel a bit annoyed, damn I'm really losing my mind.

  Ahem, you ok buddy" his smirk was gone this time and it was replaced by a concerning look. " Fuck Alex stop acting like your my mother, it really is creeping me out right now and my slave is doing fine" for some reason I felt uncomfortable to talk about her with anyone, well she is my property.

  "oh I know she is FINE" he said under his breath, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean for me to hear it but even of he did this is annoying me.

"Cancel my meetings for the rest of today and I need you to go get Dana for me" that got his attention " Dana, why do you need her when you have your slave" he seemed genuinely surprised, but I decided to not answer it because honestly I don't know, but what I do know is I need to violently fuck hard, or else I'm going to go crazy. As much as I want to do that to Belle, I know she's not ready and frankly I want to enjoy her inexperienced body a bit longer before she expires.

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