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  "What the hell was that Alex" this day just keeps getting better and better. I seriously don't have time for this shit right now. The bitch should be around here somewhere.

  I have looking around for half an hour now and no sign of her. Then all of a sudden the car jerked to a stop.

  We both got out and went to see who the hell decided to cross the god damn road while the light was still green. Stupid!

  When we got to the front there was a women, no a girl lying on the road, seemed to be unconscious, she looked to be 14 or 15, long reddish brown hair and ivory skin, she looked familiar.

  I crouched down and moved her long hair from her face; curiosity had gotten the best of me. Yes she defiantly looked like her but I had to make sure. Pulling out my phone I called her.

So this is her, interesting.

"Alex picks her up"

We went straight to my private jet and couple minutes later we were headed to Russia.

Throughout the flight that stupid girl slept.

  She looked better then I imagined. Poor thing! She's really going to regret crashing on to my car, especially after what I have planned for her.

For the first time in long while I laughed, laughed so hard I almost cried, almost..

*Bella *

Urrrg my head, shit its killing me. I opened my eyes, which took awhile for some reason. It felt like my eyes were glued to my skull. "Where the hack is this place" this was definitely not my room.

As soon as I realized that, I tried to get up and I almost did before I realized my legs were chained to the bed post.

Oh my god

Oh my god

Panic set in, for the first time since I woke up.

Why am I here and who the hell chained me here? Now I really started to freak out. This can't be happening "HELP HELP" I screamed out.

   Then with a bang the big door to my right opened. All of a sudden a really good looking guy walked in, with only a towel around his waist and a towel in hand, drying his hair.

"Shut up before I tape your mouth also" he walked to what looked like a closet and then proceeded to get dressed. Which involved him getting butt naked right in front of me, and I know I should look away but God he was gorgeous from top to bottom especially at the bottom.

"Done checking me out" I blushed.

"I wasn't checking you out, by the way mind telling me why I'm here and who are you and what do you want from me?"

God Bella keep calm whatever you do not show him that you're scared of him and a little bit attracted to him.

 "Well my name is Anton Vasily and you can call me Master sweetheart, and for the reason why your here, well it's because I was in need of a slave and you happened to be the new candidate."

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