Here it comes

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  At 8:00 am I was rudely awakened from my peaceful slumber, by the constant ringing of his phone.

  I'm seriously considering throwing it across the room. His still asleep maybe he won't know it's me, maybe I can blame it on one of the maids.

  As delicious as that thought might be I can't risk it. Pushing the blanket away from our body, I place my hand on his shoulder and instantaneously he opens his eyes and his hand now gripping my throat and flips me on my back.

   I gasp for breath as his hands tighten around my neck, constricting my airways.

  A second passes by, his grip loosens. His face inches away from my my own, "never fucking touch me like that again" his warm breath hits my face, desire floods through me like electricity " unless you want to die" he whispers.

  His eyes bore into mine, it feels like an eternity.

I loose my breath once again, but this time it's because I'm drowning his eyes.

  Carnal pleasure

  Lips clashes against each other's, tongue invading and exploring. It feels like I'm melting. My body is in flame.

I need this.

I'd like to say I don't know who made the first move but that would be a lie.

I can no longer control myself, gripping his hair, I pull him closure to me. This time my tongue takes the lead. He growls his approval.

His hand releases my neck and moves under my shirt to my breast, tugging at my nipple painfully and massaging it softly.

  He repeats this delicious torture till I am wet and panting for more. His mouth moves down my throat to my right nipple.

He bites down hard. Gasping in pain, I tug his hair with one hand and push his shoulder with the other.

The torture continues on to the left one. While his hand travel down, since I'm already dripping wet, his fingers glides in really easy.

The on slot is too much to bare, I start to feel overwhelmed, pressure from his mouth and his hands quickly becomes too much. With a scream, I become undone on his hand.

Instantly he replaces his hand with his cock and slams in.

"Fuck" he groans before thrusting in again. With his relentless thrusting, the pressure within me builds again.

"Oh my.."  with another scream I let myself fly.

  He buries his face on my shoulders, biting down hard, I feel his cum burning my inside.

  We are both panting like animals, trying to regain control of our humanity. His soft membrane is still inside me, his weight on top, crushing me.

The phone rings again.

  He lifts himself up and without looking at me, grabs the phone and moves to the bathroom.

  Too tired to move and clean myself, I lay there naked with his cum dripping down my leg.

What have I done?

Realization came crashing down on me. I had just given myself freely to the fucker who kidnaped and raped me.


  Tears starts to drip like waterfall, I can't control them. "Slut" I whisper the one word I feared but that's exactly what I had became.

I hear the door rattle, quickly I wipe my tears, hopefully he won't notice.

He steps out of the bathroom, clean and dripping wet. He stares at me for a while "go clean yourself, you smell like a fucking whore" my heart stops.

He disappears into the closet and I pick up my broken body and soul. Limping to the bathroom, like a robot I shut off my emotion and go into the shower.

I wrap a towel around me and ignoring the mirror I head out. Opening the door I hear his voice, his still inside the closet.

"Don't ever fucking call me weak Raven" surprised to hear him converse in english, I head closer to the closet door.

"Everything is going according to the plan" I stand there hoping to catch more of it, but that was all I understood before he switched to Russian.

  I head back to the bathroom. What plan was he talking about? What the fuck is going on here?

Opening the bathroom cabinet I take out the brush and get to de-tangling my mess that I call hair. And while I'm doing that the whole entire time my brain is trying to process what the hell I just heard.

More importantly who the hell is Raven?

  "Here wear this" the sudden invasion of his voice caused me to jump, scream and throw my brush at his face. And all of it happened at once.

  Right now the only thing that can be heard is the drops of water from the faucet. I'm too frightened to move and his to I don't know angry, livid and possibly planning my death or torture to move.

  He blinks a couple of time, "that" trying to process my words correctly "was a mistake" too scared to look up "I'm sorry, I was brushing my hair and then..then you... then you spoke from behind, scared the crap out of me and it's very possible that I might have peed a little..." and before I could apologize again, my towel drops.

  I look up at his face and then down to my towel that's on the ground. Then I repeat the process again.

  He starts to laugh, like really laugh. I pick up my towel and try to save what's left of my dignity.

Ten minutes pass by and his still laughing. Ok so five minute ago I was shocked to hear him laugh for the first time ever. But now it's getting me a little mad.

" You Americans are funny little people" I was about to tell him off but then I remember his an asshole with a gun so I keep my mouth shut.

Wiping his mouth "I forgive you, since you made me laugh" handing me a beautiful nude pink lacy dress.

"You will wear this and put a bit of make on if you like, but do not put a bra on, I want those krasivaya breast free" he leaves the bathroom.

Did he just curse out my breast or something.

I put the dress on, like he instructed without the bra. It really is a beautiful dress but without my bra on my breast feels heavy and every time I move my already sore nipple are being rubbed raw by the fabric.

I don't apply any makeup save for a bit of Vaseline on my lips. So without doing much I leave the bathroom.

"Are you ready?" Checking his watch he looks up, inspecting me from head to toe.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"To the church" he replies.

"We are going there to pray" confused at our choice of attire, which seems to be something you would wear to a party or a ball not to church.

"You'll find out, once we get there"

Here's a little sneak peak.....

Tonight I just willingly signed away my freedom.

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