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I don't know this Kate girl, and I have never heard of her. She seemed nice though, I saw a glimpse of her when she was fighting, and she seemed pretty cool. I felt bad that we left her behind, and gods know what they are doing to her.

Jordan stepped back onto the dragon to go back to get her, but Ianite stopped him. "Nobody else should get hurt," she was saying. "She is a strong, fierce, girl, she can handle herself on her own, and besides, its too dangerous." Jordan's grip on Jerry softened, and he sighed. "I guess so," but hen he clenched down like he snapped out of it. "but we go straight for her tomorrow."

Beside me, Sonja sighed. "Jordan, how many times to we have to go over this? There is no tomorrow! Time doesn't exist in the underworld. Heck, it could be like mid-day!" and Jordan rolled his eyes. "Fine, then we get some rest. I could do for some shut-eye." And I couldn't disagree with that.

It had been quite the long journey from the wizard tower to here, and with little food and little sleep, it felt good to take a long nap.

I walked over to a corner and Jordan grabbed me an extra sleeping bag to sleep in. Deep in that cave, the heat wasn't as intense than out in the lava spewing open, but it still was pretty hot, so I laid on top of the sleeping bag and cleared my thoughts for a few minutes before falling asleep.


Our dreams connected. Don't believe me? We'll see about that.

I woke up, and all of the others, including Kate, all were in front of the castle. The giant walked over to the entrance, and didn't notice us standing there. It was like we were invisible, just part of the hot air.

He smiled devilishly, and closed his eyes. He took deeper breaths, and his form started to change, literally. He grew smaller, his skin turning tomato red, and devil horns growing out of his head. Tom gasped. "Dianite, is that you?" but the giant didn't hear him. Kate nudged Tom. "No, that is still Krypos, he has the ability to change forms, and he is ready to start war to destroy all." After she said that, the walls began to shake.

Somebody mighty was falling to the entrance. All of the sudden, Mianite landed in a heroic poition of the ground, his eyes were filled with uncontrollable rage.

"What have you don't to my followers, Dianite?" He spat viciously. Krypos/Dianite chuckled. "They are in the palms of my hands," He said evil like. "And you won't stop me this time." Then I saw Jordan step run over to me.

He grabbed my hand and ran into the castle. "What are you doing?" I asked as he ran. "I'm waking us up, we are going to stop this immediately." Then we took a turn to the torture room. I looked back, and saw the others running after us, except Ianite. Jordan quickly shut the doors and put tables, chairs, and basically everything in front of the doors to block it. He grabbed a knife. "This won't hurt at all Wag," He started, trying to calm me down. "I just have to wake you up." Then he threw the knife at me, and then stabbed himself with the other one. It was a horrifying sight, but I understood that it would wake us up. Right as the door busted open, I drifted to the real world with Jordan. I bolted upright, and saw Jordan run up to me. "Come on," he said. "Let's go save Kate"

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