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Well that day went amazing. My hover RV blew up, and seems like Tucker just blew up also.

The crater where Sonja's house once stood was flames and ashes.

Here on this crappy island, we don't have much of a population. So really, we don't have any firefighters or anything.

At the moment I didn't care about the fire, I cared about Kate and Tucker. Kate looked so sad when she heard about Tucker, and she barely knew him. I had been so mean to her all of this time, and she was so kind to me. Tucker, I had some feeling inside me that he wasn't dead. It wouldn't happen like that. If he ever went down, he'd go down with a fight.

I kneeled down by Sonja and put my hand on her shoulder, just to comfort her. Kate's arms were already around her, then after I have my hand on her she shrugged it off and pushed Kate away. "Just leave me alone." She said with no expression. And then she walked over into the woods.

It was just Kate, the burning house, and me.

Kate wouldn't look at me. She kept her eyes down, and you could see that she was furious. "Hey Kate please-" I tried "Don't." she snapped back. "Don't you dare start." I groaned "Please, just listen. Hear me out." and then she just rolled her eyes, looking at me saying with her eyes "make this quick, better be good"

I told her all of my sorries, asking if we could start over, thinking her expression would change. Nothing. Her face stayed angry and she didn't give another look till I was done talking. Then after it all, I just let out a long sigh. "Please," that was the words that I could get out.

Then she looked me in the eyes, and saw the plead in it. She stared there for a while, just looking in my eyes, deciding whether it was worth it. Then she just rolled them. "Fine," then she glared "But don't push any of my buttons ANYMORE." and I chuckled. "Ok ok," she smiled at me since forever. I soon asked "Now you need to choose. Which god do you favor?" then she bit her lip, looking around in thought. "Ummmmmm... give me more time to think." I smirked. "Ok." then she gave me a second glare, more playful this time. "This really escalated quickly," "Yea," I agreed.

Then I stood up and held out my hand for her. "Lets go solve a few problems shall we?" and she just smiled and took it, forgetting our crazy adventure before, and ready to have a real one.

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