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Kate must've aimed for the back of the giants neck. He shoved his head back in pain, and he dropped me down, and I knew that the fall wouldn't fell amazing.

I embraced myself for more pain, but the I landed on the back of Jerry, and I couldn't help but do a little "Woop!" in happiness.

We picked up Jordan and Sonja, and then we jerked forward. The giant had grabbed ahold of Jerry's tail, and Kate grabbed tightly around one of his scales. I quickly grabbed Kate's foot and Jordan and Sonja followed the chain, and we were dangling high above the air. Falling would mean sudden death, and we both knew it. Kate used Jerry's scales to climb up to the giants hand. She gripped the sword, and slashed at his hand. Blood poured down, and my hand started to slip, but then he let go of Jerry, and we were flying again, blood splotched on our torn shirt.

We picked up Tucker, but Tom was busy with a handful of guards. "You drive," She said, standing up steady to get to the tail of the dragon. "I have to get Tom." Then it was all left to me.

I put my gentle hand to the dragon, and he flew in which ever way I touched him. I touch his let shoulder, he turns left. If i push down on both sides, he will go flying in speed.

I took a turn to Tom, and started flying in circles. Finally, I hears a voice say "Go! Go!" which belong to Kate.

As I pressed harder than I should have on Jerry, we flew what seemed as fast as the speed of light. I heard Kate scream, I though it was because of the speed. We were flying out into the depths of the underworld, and none of us looked back.


Jordan punched a fist in the air and hollered a "Yes!!" Into the red sky. Sonja was hugging Tucker, and couldn't hide the pure joy flowing from her face.

I saw a cavern up ahead perfect for settling for the day and parked there. I gently touched Jerry on his neck so we were perfectly in, and the castle was a speck of blood red in the distance.

I stepped of the dragon. He had done amazing. He flew us so far in only a few minutes.

I looked back at the others, and noticed something. Something horrible. I screamed, and tears swelled in my eyes. Panic flowed over me. I covered my mouth, and then the others looked back, and they understood too. Sonja bursted into tears, and Jordan put his hand to his head like he had a terrible headache. Somebody wasn't here with us. We just left it to die, alone, and get tortured. No doubt they would use it against us. I analyzed the cavern, and did't see anybody else.

All we could do before we made a plan was to mourn for Kate, who was left behind at the cavern.

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