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A/N Thanks @jtw998 and @TRUE_Scarlett for the helpful votes! Thanks so much *hugs through screen* :)

Jordan stared at me for a second, confused, then just shrugged and kept skipping rocks. I felt guilty inside though, and stupidly, I just stood up and walked off without saying a word to him.

I felt the need to tell someone exept Jordan and see their reaction before I tell him. I held my head down, slightly ashamed of the oppritunity I threw away, then, I bumbed into something heavy, and it seemed wo both fell to the ground.

"Ow," I heard. I quickly stood up. "Oh my Im so sorry!" and looked to see who it was. He held a bag, which held something heavy, or somethings. He picked up his bag and put his hat back on, and I gasped in my head. Pokémon man!

I giggled at the name I made for him and then looked back up at him. He shrugged. "It was my fault too, I wasnt watching where I was going." then he smiled. "Hi, Im Tucker. And you must be the new girl, Kate." and I nodded. "Nice meeting you." he said to me and started walking off. "You too," I said and headed into my direction.

I finally knew it was time to tell Jordan, I just had to.

I stopped my walking and looked up at the midday sun. And I ran back to the lake, hoping I knew where it was. Then I finally reached it, but Jordan wasnt there. I shouldve been more curious where he really was, but I felt so dissapointed that he wasnt there I didnt bother to look.

The land was huge, he could be anywhere. So, I started back off to the house. After a few minutes of walking, I found the house. As I walked up the steep tiny steps to walk in, I heard Jordan inside.

Dumb of me, but I stood still and listened. "We can't keep her here!" he shouted. I heard Sonja reply. "I find nothing wrong with her Jordan, besides, why do you hate her so much?" My heart dropped. They were talking about me.

Awkwardly, I opened the door, and everybody was there. My eyes filled with tears, which I tried to blink them away, but failed. The tears just kept coming.

I saw Tom, Sonja, Jordon, and Tucker all standing there, their eyes huge and suprised. I closed my eyes, telling myself to keep it together. "I guess Ill leave then, even though I had news that could change everything." then all of the sudden, my sadness turned into rage. "Because you know what? Ianite might not be dead, but why would I tell you where she is? I guess Im all of the sudden dangerous and untrustworthy because I did what? Nothing!" and I stormed to the stairs. "I better get my stuff together." leaving everybody with a face of stone.

I never let the others know I was furious, or heartbroken. Did I have a slight crush on Jordon nomatter his negativity? Maybe. But did he just actually ditch me and try to tell the others to kick me out? Maybe. Do I still have feelings for him? Maybe. But does that change anything? Maybe.

Frustrated. I emptied the parachute backpack that I found from the closet. After I grabbed the bag, I started packing everything.

It was one heck of a trip so far, and it had already come to an end in one day.

After I packed just about everything, I sat doen in the corner and silently cried to myself. I made no noise, no faces, just sat there,with my face like stone, with tears streaming down. Then i heard a knock on the door, and I wiped away my tears. "Whatever you want, I dont care." I said. "Go away." then I heard the voice from outside the door, which obviously belonged to Jordon. "Please just let me ask you something." then I sighed. "Go ahead." "What did you mean by Ianite is still alive?" and I opened the door. "She told me." and then he sat down with a stern face, expecting me to go on.

So I told him, everything really, about her on the plane. How she looked, how her eyes were different colors, how she spoke with the kindest voice in such a time of panic. Then after I was done, Jordan looked sad. Then he just hugged me, out of nowhere. "Your lying, but thanks."

Then left the room, with me staring in suprisment.

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