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I tucked my fox sweater into my backpack. 

Sweat drizzled down our faces. Our horses were breathing heavily, and I didn't want to break it to the others that we weren't even close to the bridge. 

Yes, close to the top of the mountain, no not close to the bridge. 

The steep mountain got the best of our horses, with every step, their legs trembled. But we were so close to the top. I could see it. 

Finally, the ground seemed to be more level. We had made it.

 I hopped off of my horse and wiped off the sweat from my face. Kate and Jordan did the same. 

A man walked out of the door from the house in front of us. "Welcome to our village," he said. "Stay here as I bring your horses to the stable." Then he gently put a lead on the hoses and lead them away. 

"Are you sure we should trust him?" Jordan asked me. I squinted my eyes from the brightness of the sun. "I don't know," I answered honestly. "But he's all we got. Theres just grass and sky for miles beyond here to the bridge." 

Jordan looks out to the distance. "I just hope they're okay." Then Kate joined the conversation. "Trust me guys," she said convincingly "They're ok." 

The guy walked back to us and welcomed us into his house for dinner. 

His house was very cozy. It was very cool from the heat outside. He had an oak wood table with food lined on top of it. 

And finally, I ate. I ate so much steak I wonder how I didn't gain 5 pounds, and the salad was amazing. 

"So you are another adventurer to the death bridge?"He asked. We all nodded. "Wait," Jordan said. "Another? More people are coming this way." The man shook his head sadly. "People came this way." Kate started to give us uneasy glances. "As in..." she started. "Yes" the man said. "They have perished." 

I pushed the food away. I lost my appetite. "Do you have a place for us to sleep tonight?" I asked. He nodded, "Over in the hallway the second room on the left." and he pointed in the direction. 

I looked outside and saw the sun sinking into the earth. "I'm gonna go head to bed now," I sighed. "Big day tomorrow." 'maybe our last' I thought. And I walked into the bedroom. 

Two small beds with quilted covers were separated by a nightstand with an oil lamp on it.

 I sat down on one, and took a deep breath. I've never been so scared before. I'd always have Tucker to lean on, and now I may not see him to say goodbye once. 

Before I got sad about that, I let the thought determine me. Determine me to fight for him. Fight for the life of the Gods. 

I took one last breath before I heard a scream in the distance. I shot up from the bed and ran out of the room. Jordan and Kate looked terrified. 

The man looked out the window and took a deep breath. "Y'all better get in your war clothes," he said. We gave each other uneasy glances. 

He added one more thing before leaving. 

"This is gonna be bloody."

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