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"What do you mean?" Kate asked cautiously, taking a set backward. You could see in the girls' eyes that they had a mix of fear and curiosity. "How do you even know where they are?" I chuckled at Kate. "My dream," I said matter-of-factly. "we seem to be in something bigger than we thought."

Sonja seemed eager to start. To get Tucker back. "Well, then lets go," She said as she glanced at the two of us. "Get your stuff together and meet by the statues. We'll make a plan there."

I walked out of the shabby house they shared at the moment. They built it a few days ago. The air in there was stuffy, and the beds were basically rocks. I felt bad for them.

I headed toward my house and started planning my packing.


My bag was shoved with a million changes of clothes, several packs of food, and loads of water. Gods bless my back on this trip.

I stumbled out of my house, dragging my backpack on the floor. It seemed to be forever on the trip to the statues. My backpack seemed to grow heavier and heavier each step. My legs became wobbly right when I saw the statue of the Gods in the distance.

I groaned at the distance.

When I finally reached the statues, I collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. Sonja and Kate looked like that were waiting for ages for me.

"Hey there slowpoke," Kate said. "Why the heavy load?" I groaned again. "Im not going to survive this with this weight!"

Then, Kate dropped her bag and picked up mine. It seemed as if she was picking up a million pound weight. No matter how hard she tried, no progress was visible. Kate let out a frustrated grunt. "Fine," she said. "we'll split take some of the load for you."

She looked at Sonja for approval, and she just shrugged "Guess so," so she took out a few packs of lunch, and a few bottles of water and out it in her bag. Sonja did the same.

I picked up my bag, and it seemed way lighter. Kate grunted as she readjusted the straps to the height for the weight. "You owe me one," she said before she walked off to the stables.

I sat down on a rock by Ianite's Scale of Justice, and sighed. "Shouldn't have packed so much," I said. Sonja chuckled. "Might be smart," I give her a confused look. "Who knows how long the trip will take."

Just as I was about to say something else, I heard a loud bang. I jerked my head toward the sound, which came from the stables. Kate walked out, holding 3 ropes that attached to 3 horses.

The horses struggled and tossed her around. A brown one went in full speed toward Dianite's statue, forcing Kate to let go of the other 2 ropes and start dragging on the ground.

The horse ran straight into the mouth, and well, the horse crashes into the wall end and the statue cracked.

Kate let go of the rope...finally. The horse galloped out like nothing had happened. Kate, covered in dirt and grass stains, walked out and whined. "Are you kidding me?" then I snorted. "Maybe you should actually comfort the horses, not tug them by a rope. Then she glared at me. "Well, at least no damage was done-" then the statue fell unstable.

She look one more step out, and the whole statue collapsed to the ground.

Everybody gasped. "Oh Gods," Sonja said in shock, then shook her head. "At least this isn't the biggest thing that happened so far," then looked around. "Am I right?" Kate's eyes were wide. "I don't think I should look behind me," she said. "because I think that the statue just collapsed."

I shrugged. "I hate Dianite anyway." then started walking toward the portal area. "And anyway, we didn't need horses. Its a portal." Then I heard Kate scream in frustration.

Then something bigger happened. I turned the corner to see the portal area, and there was just an empty portal, just an opening.

The portal was gone.

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