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After the guards had told the king what happened, he looked at me in disgust. He ordered me for 3 days of torture. Anger waves over me. I lashed at my cuffs and screamed at him, also trying to punch the guards.

He leaned a little closer to me, "We can kill you if we wanted to," he said coldly. "You better thank us!" then he grunted. "Guards, take her to the cell, we need to get the chamber prepared." and then the guards had to drag an angry Ianite away to a horrible cell.


My hands were tired of punching the walls, my brain hurt from thinking of an escape plan, my eyes were hurt from crying. I leaned my head on the wall and sighed, with followed with another thud, coming from the entrance.

I perked up and looked through the window. And unbelievable as it was, I saw Jordan and Sonja laying on the ground. I started to shout at them, then caught myself not wanting the guards to get suspicious. I waved my arms, then noticed that they were knocked out from the fall.

Then dreadfully, I saw guards come out and grab them by the hands and drag them to the castle.

I screamed, and Jordan's eyes slowly opened, then after a bit of dragging, he was awake and alarmed by what was happening. He kicked the guard in the face, and grabbed unconscious Sonja.

Then the guard punched him hard in the face with his powerful hands, and he was knocked out again and dragged all the way to the castle.

I kicked the stone wall in frustration. My foot already hurt from kicking the wall as much as I did before.

Then, the cell door opened. It was a guard. "Your torture is ready," He said with a cruel smile. "And you have some visitors to watch your pain."

And immediately, I knew what he meant.


I looked at Jordan's unconscious face, tied to the top of the wooden pole, with Sonja, Tom, and Tucker beside him. My hands were tied together onto a pole also, but in the center of the room.

My feet were also tightly tied, to where my feet were starting to turn a shade of purple. A guard walked in, his red beady eyes more scarier than ever as he held the whip. He looked at me, my eyes red, my cheeks lined with tear stains, my hair a crazy mess, and he chuckled.

He lifted the whip and let the intensity linger, right before he struck me hard with the rope. I screamed in pain, which awoke Tom. Their feet weren't tied for some reason, and he started to kick Tucker, and awake him, like a chain reaction, they were all awake.

The guard glanced at them, and then back at me, with a cruel smile, and I swear his teeth were stained with blood. He hit me on my hip with the rope, and the pain was horrible, a searing sting rippled across my body, and I started to breath harder.

My ears started to ring, and the sound cut through my brain like a knife. Muffled under the ringing, I could hear the others yelling my name, and over the blurriness of my tear filled eyes, I could see them thrashing around.

The guard laughed his evil laugh an he struck me once more. I winced, expecting more pain to explode, but I felt nothing, instead of hearing my own screams, I heard somebody else's.

I looked over at the others, and none of them escaped, but they stopped trying.

They stared, mouths wide open, and eyes wide. I looked down below me, and I saw blood. Puddles and puddles, but then I saw a coat, and it was unmistakable.

It was Waglington

He had arrived.

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