Sonja 4 2/2

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"I don't see it," Jordan said. Kate pointed in a direction and yes, there it was. The bridge. More dragons were laying around it in the grass.

My stomach did a little drop when Jerry swooped down and landed on the ground. It felt like the drop in a rollercoaster.

The dragons perked up when they heard Jerry hit the ground. Jordan slowly leaned down to Jerry's ear. "See that opening across the bridge on that floating island?" and Jerry snorted. "Ok just fly us there and you'll be good to go. Simple as that!" Jordan whispered to Jerry.

Jerry Leaped back up into the air like he was embracing our last ride together. The tension was rising. The dragons were pretty fast being Jerry's tail. And right as the island was below us, the dragon attacked Jerry from the side.

Jerry howled and fell toward the ground. We stood on his back and set down our hands to place our hands on his scales to keep our balance. "We have to jump to the island!" Kate screamed. "We will fall into the pit!" Jordan looked around frantically. "We can't leave Jerry!" He yelled. "Im not leaving with out him!" Time was running out.

Kate looked at us desperately if we had an idea. Seconds till we fell into the pit. Kate Shoved Jordan and I to the Island, and she jumped also.

It all seemed to go in slow motion. Jordan shouting "Jerry! No!"

I saw the ground meters below me and I closed my eyes and braced myself for the hard hit on the ground. Then the wold fell silent when I hit the ground. Pain swelled from the sore on my back. I slowly opened my eyes and brushed the dust off of myself.

Jordan jolted up. "Where's Kate..." He said, slowly, trying not to panic.

We ran to the edge of the cliff just in time to see a dead Jerry falling into the fog. Tears filled my eyes.

I heard a little voice from the cliff. "Help." I opened my eyes from holding back the tears. I looked down and a few meters down, I saw Kate holding onto a root on the side of the wall of the pit. She reached her hand up, and Jordan reached his hand down.

"Don't look down," he warned, but she did. She was in such shock she jumped a little, and her one hand hanging on slid down the root.

She started breathing faster, and she took a deep breath and looked Jordan in the eyes. "I love you," She said. "I sorry for everything, I really am." and she let go.

I looked away. I couldn't bear to see my best friend falling down into the pit of unknown. Tears flowed down my eyes and I hugged Jordan tightly. His eyes were red from holding tears, and he stood up, so I let go of him.

"We-" he stopped to take a deep breath so his voice wouldn't crack. "We just need to keep going." And we walked into the nether rack cave opening.


About thirty minutes of walking down the stairs, we reached a room. It should've been the nether, but it was just a wall.

Jordan cursed. "Sonja!" He yelled at me. "What the heck!? Your stupid map and ALL of this led to a wall?" I panicked "I don't know!" I shouted back. "Okay, There should be the nether opening right here!" Jordan got more and more frustrated.

He punched the wall as hard as he could. The wall shook a little, and we lit up.

Then, the ceiling of the tall room shooter out tons of tar. We were on the other side of the room from the stairs.

The tar fell fast and it one his us we'd be doomed. Jordan grabbed my hands and ran to the stairs as fast as we could.

A large drop of tar handed between us, and right on Jordan holding my hand. I growled at the heat of the thick liquid.

"Lets just hope it doesn't dry." Jordan said between breaths. "That will be awkward when we see Tucker again." I sighed "If," I corrected. "If we see him again."

Jordan stopped in front of the stairs an turned to me, still his hand stuck to mine. "Sonja," He said. "We can't afford to think ourselves down like that. We'll see him again. Don't doubt it." And he kept running up the swirled stairs.

The thirty minuted turned to fifteen, and we reached the top.

Joran fell to the ground to catch his breath.

I looked at our hands still glued together. "We need to get this off." I said shaking my hand to locate. He nodded. "I don't know how though. I looked over at a lava fall near the "nether entrance"

I gave it a thought to him. "We could melt it off," I said pointing to the lava. He looked unsure but then chuckled. "Anything to get your hand off mine." 

We slowly and gently put the tar into the lava fall. Yes, it did melt off, but it burned Jordan pretty bad. He groaned. "Ow..." He said holding his hand tightly. I saw a pool of water near us. "Look! cool your hand off!" 

He ran to the water and it made a sizzle sound. I winced at the thought of it. 

Then he just sat down with his hands on his head. "I don't know. We need to get down there." I nodded. It was a moment of silence for a second, then Jordan perked up. 

"Down, we have to go down," he said. And I under stood. "Are you sure?!" I asked, a little worried that it was really stupid. 

He walked over to the cliff and looked back at me. "We didn't come here for nothing" he said and jumped forward.

 I didn't remind him of my fear of heights and jumped into blackness along with him.

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