Seven Painful Weeks

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Week 1 (Meredith)

"Sam, you need to talk to me." Meredith spoke in a gentle and encouraging voice. Sam had been mute since Monday. She did her work and paid attention to class, but every moment of that was spent in silence.

Sam turned her head away from her work, acknowledging that her teacher was speaking to her. Meredith gasped silently when Sam made direct eye contact with her for the first time all week. The deep blue eyes were empty. They were dead; void of emotion. Meredith placed her hand on her student's shoulder only for it to be quickly shrugged away. The empty eyes slowly drifted back to the book resting on the desk. Meredith let out an audible sigh and moved on to check on another student's progress.

The past week had been absolute hell. It was nearly impossible for Meredith to fall asleep without Derek's warm body keeping her company. She was ruined. He had ruined her. Her home cooked meals didn't taste nearly as good as when she made them with Derek. Her house was quiet, mourning the loss of Derek's hearty laughter. He hadn't called yet. She hadn't either. She missed him, a lot. Meredith wasn't sure if she could last the next 13 weeks without him.

Week 1 (Derek)

"We're going to a strip club tonight. I don't care if it's Monday. You need this."

"Mark, no. Please no."

Derek had been moping around the office and Mark was sick of it. He needed to suck up his problems and handle it like a man. That meant going to a strip club and getting really drunk.

"Come on, man. It's what we always do when you break up with someone." Mark said convincingly.

"We didn't break up. We're just taking some space." Derek corrected.

"You're not having sleepovers, you're not doing that weird cooking thing you two always do, and you haven't called her in a week. In my book, that's called breaking up." Mark punched Derek's shoulder, trying to draw him back from outerspace.

Week 3 (Meredith + Derek)

"Hey." Meredith whispered in a breathy tone.

"Hi." He responded in an equally breathy tone.

There was a long silence, neither really knowing what to say to the other.

"I miss you." He finally said, filling the silence with his broken voice.

"I know." She responded, equally as broken.

"How- how are you?" Derek asked, feeling stupid that he couldn't think of what to say to the woman who owned his heart.

"I'm okay." She responded lightly. Another pregnant pause occurred. "It's quiet." Noting his lack of response, she explained further. "I miss your laugh. And the way you say my name when you're frustrated with me. I miss your soft breaths of love, early in the morning. I miss you whispering instructions in my ear when we cook. I miss you, Derek."

"Meredith." The emotion was clear in his voice. Unable to keep the tears at bay, they both silently let them fall. This was the hardest thing that either of them had to go through together. And dammit, they were going to get through it, together.

"How are you?" She asked, not really wanting to know how much he was hurting.

"Not good at all, Mer. I know this is what needs to happen and I know neither of us want this but it really hurts. Every second I'm without you, my heart aches."

"Derek, I'm sorry... I- I have to go." She could barely get the words out.

"Meredith, please don't." He begged.

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