The incident

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"When do you think she'll find it?"

"I don't know, but I hope we're not at recess when she does!"

"Me too! I really want to see her face when she reaches into her drawer and touches it!"

"I can't believe your uncle Mark helped you with this! My uncles are so boring!"

Sam and Nicole sat in the back of the class and were pulling their first prank of the year. The first week of school was utilized for getting into a routine and figuring out certain tells. No one would never suspect that two sweet girls could be evil little devils. It was totally sexist but totally true. Anyways, that Jeremy kid was already causing a ton of trouble. The blame could easily be put on him.

A week into the school year and Miss Grey was already having a little trouble controlling her classroom. It was her first year teaching at this level and she didn't think the same tactics she used on first graders would work on fifth graders. Teaching first grade just wasn't for Meredith, she needed to be surrounded by kids where she didn't have to explain so much, it was tiring.

Meredith Grey was a determined and beautiful young woman. Her emerald green eyes always seemed to draw in the attention of men of all ages but she resisted their charm, wanting her relationships to mean something. She'd had a few boyfriends in the past but they never lasted very long or became very serious. There was just something about all the men that just didn't click with her. She needed a strong man who would take care of her but also let her be independent. She wanted someone she could imagine spending the rest of her life with. She may be young but she was tired of all the boys that just wanted to have some fun.

At the ripe age of twenty-five, Meredith Grey was still unsure of her decision to not follow in her mother's footsteps to be a surgeon and branch off to be more like her estranged father, a teacher. She didn't keep in touch with her father very much but she was aware of his new life and new family. She had two half sisters and was slowly becoming close with the older one, Lexie. Meredith didn't have the brightest childhood and was just glad she didn't end up on the streets or in a position where she was wasting away doing something she thought she had to do, not something she truly wanted to do.

Teaching was a release for Meredith. She took joy in knowing she was helping to shape the lives of young children through education. She felt as though she was contributing to society, doing her part; teaching kids right from wrong, fact from fiction, and so forth. Meredith Grey liked teaching and she wouldn't let these damn, pesky kids getting in the way of her happiness.

Meredith moved to open the drawer on the left of her desk to retrieve her book to read while her students were in a period of quiet time before lunch and recess.

"Aaahh!" Meredith screamed.

Meredith pulled her hand out of her desk drawer only to find it was covered in some kind of lubricant. What the hell? Is this lube? Where did fifth graders get lube from?!

The group of twenty-three eleven year olds erupted into a loud laughter.

"Who did this?!" Meredith demanded as she stood up.

The class continued to laughed while no one fessed up to the crime.

Meredith stared down all her students until the laughter died down. She then opened her classroom door and asked the fourth-grade teacher across the hall, Alex Karev to watch her devil students while she went to clean up. Alex and Meredith had been friends since their first day at Seattle Pacific University together. They were like brother and sister, always there for each other and not afraid to call each other out on their crap.

On Meredith's way back to her classroom, she ran into the janitor, Isaac. He'd been working at Queen Anne elementary for thirty years and all the teachers knew him and loved him. She asked him to clean out the remaining lubricant from her desk when he had a chance. He agreed and she was quickly on her way.

When she returned to her classroom, April, the 'teacher's pet' walked up to her desk.

"Miss Grey, when I got here early and you were in the hall talking to parents and letting the other kids in, well, um, I saw Sam and Nicole by your desk giggling. I don't know what they were giggling about because I don't think they like me very much but then I saw Sam sneak something into her backpack so maybe-"

"April, I think I get what you're trying to say." interrupted Miss Grey, "You think Sam and Nicole had something to do with the mess in my desk drawer?" She asked.

April responded timidly, "Um, yeah. But I don't want to get in trouble for tattle tailing!"

"Oh honey, it's okay to come forth with something you saw that you think was wrong." Miss Grey assured the young girl.

April gave a small smile and quickly returned to her seat in the front table group. Miss Grey informed Sam and Nicole that she would like to see them during recess.

The two girls exchanged worried looks, knowing they'd been caught.

"We're going to be in so much trouble!" Nicole exclaimed.

"Yeah, but it was so worth it! Did you see the look on her face! She was disgusted! It was so funny!" Sam excitedly spoke back.

After lunch was dismissed, Miss Grey informed the girls she would be in contact with each of their parents and wanted to know who supplied them with the lubricant. Sam timidly gave the name Uncle Mark. Oh boy, would Meredith be having a few words with this Uncle Mark.

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