Starting out in Queen Anne

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, some characters belong to Shondaland and some have been created on my own. This is my first story, I hope you like it and constructive criticism is welcomed! Thank you for reading!
Sorry it's short but here we go...

September in Seattle comes as a blessing and a curse. One moment you think it's going to be a nice day to go out on the water, but once you step outside... It's too damn hot to do anything! This September though, the weather was tame and actually quite nice. The sun had risen a few hours ago and people were rushing into the small elementary located west of Lake Union. It was the first day of school for many of the children rushing around the city. Parents were relieved to have a few hours of not needing to worry about what their kids were doing and having a moment of peace and quiet.

Quiet though, was not happening in the small classroom in the even smaller school.

"Everyone quiet down and take a seat please!.. Good morning everyone! I'm Miss Grey and I will be your teacher for the next 180 days."

The beginning of fifth grade was finally there for Samantha Shepherd. She had been going to Queen Anne elementary since kindergarten and had been waiting for this day ever since her first, first day. Her best friend, Nicole Williams had sat by her side in every class, they couldn't wait to be in the fifth grade and above everyone else in the whole school. The next year, they would be sixth graders in a new school, the bottom of the social food chain. This was their year to be on top.

Nicole came from a broken family, her mom had left when she was a baby and her father had diligently taken care of her. All of her grandparents had passed away and she had no aunts or uncles. It was just Nicole, her dad, and their dog. It was a blessing she became friends with Sam. Her grandma had taken them in and made them a part of her family.

Samantha Shepherd came from a large and constantly growing family, she was more commonly known as 'Sam' or 'Sammy'. She has the brightest blue eyes you've ever seen and beautiful, long ebony curls that run in the family. She was one of five girls on her Grandma's side. There were only two boys and she felt more connected to them than the girls in the family. Sam was the one that didn't really get along with her cousins, her aunts and uncles tried to get her more involved but she just seemed to click better with the adults. She was quirky, beautiful, and strong. She enjoyed sitting alone and spending her time either reading a new book and learning something new or running around and playing in her tree house with her best friend.

Nicole turned in her seat to look at Sam and whispered, "She seems nice, I think we'll have a lot of fun with this one."

"Oh yeah," Sam started to respond slyly, "I'll even get my uncles to help us come up with stuff! They've gotten my cousins into a lot of trouble over the years."

"Awesome!" Nicole exclaimed a little too loudly.

Miss Grey overheard the last part of the girl's conversation and interrupted them. "Are you ladies talking about how much fun you'll have this year?"

"Um...Yeah!" The girls looked at each other then responded in unison.

"Okay then," Miss Grey started up again. "In 50 school days, we will have a test on the state capitals! Each day at the beginning of class, I will assign you a state and by the end of the day, you will give me the state capital. Of course, if you already know it, you can tell me at anytime of the day. At the end of the 50 days, you all will have had the chance to do a little research on each state and its capital!"

A collective groan surfaced from the class.

Miss Grey continued to give an oral syllabus to the class as well as handing out the class newsletter and other various papers. "Don't forget to get these signed by a parent or guardian and get them back to me by the end of the week, they will be worth points and the later you turn them in, the less points they're worth! Also included on the papers are dates for the parent teacher conferences. Please have your parent or guardian email me with the date they are available!"

The rest of the class went off with a hitch and none of the students, nor the teacher knew exactly what was in store for them this year.

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