Mama Shep

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Carolyn Shepherd was a widowed mother of four hellish girls and one and a half devil boys. Half because Mark was adopted into the family at a young age. Her husband was her soul mate and he had passed away before they had the chance to grow old together. Carolyn could never bring herself to find comfort in another man's arms, because of that she threw herself into taking care of her children and grandchildren.

Currently, there were only eight grandkids. Kathleen had four, her youngest being five years old. Nancy only had Sammy but with her new relationship growing, she was hoping to have a few more. Lizzie had three with another one on the way. Carolyn, ma, or mom, was the only one privy to that information, well other than Lizzie's husband. Carolyn's son had yet to have any children and carry on the family name. Her youngest, Amelia was a wild one and Carolyn was hoping she'd eventually find a man that could tame her.

It was the last Saturday before thanksgiving and Carolyn was in her kitchen, as usual, practicing and perfecting her recipes. Carolyn was an amazing cook. She was one of those moms that sent care packages while you were in college every month, filled to the brim with cookies and sweets. And when you came home for the holidays, she'd complain you were too thin and stuff you full of her delicious and hearty home cooked meals. She baked for every bake sale at her grandkids school and birthday party or special occasion.

Derek sat in his mom's kitchen with a plate of fresh snicker doodles in front of him. His mom was the only one who could get him to eat even remotely unhealthy food. He was a health nut but around her, he was a kid again.

"I feel like we haven't had a heart to heart in forever, Derek. What's been going on in your life?" Carolyn tried her best to keep up with her kids life but it was hard when they made the conversation short and 'forgot' to return phone calls.

Derek picked up a cookie with a growing smile on his face. He made eye contact with his mother and she knew without him needing to say anything.

"Oh! I know that look, Derek! What's her name?" Carolyn clapped her hands together, excited that her son had found someone to make him smile again. Derek always tried to be independent, it could be the way he grew up but Derek was always in the need of female company. He never went more than six months without a girlfriend.

Derek swallowed his bite of cookie for speaking, "Meredith." He said as his eyes sparkled. The name rolled off his tongue like it was dying to get out.

Carolyn took a break from cooking to give Derek her full attention. "Tell me all about her. What's she like? How long have you been seeing her? Is it serious? Is she coming to thanksgiving?" Carolyn loved to take in strays, she always helped people whether they want help or not.

Derek laughed lightly at his mom's questions. "She's beautiful, kind, smart. She loves kids, she's entertaining. When she's frustrated, she gets this cute little crease on her forehead. She rambles when she's nervous... She's quite possible the most adorable thing I've ever seen. We started dating in September, it is getting serious, and I haven't asked her to thanksgiving yet. I don't think it's such a good idea." Honestly, Derek could go on and on about every little thing he loved about Meredith. He was nervous that his family wouldn't accept her, that they wouldn't approve of her being Sammy's teacher. He certainly couldn't bring her home if Sammy was going to be there.

"Why wouldn't it be a good idea? It seems like you really like her Derek. Are you ashamed of your family?" Carolyn was starting to get angry. Derek always brought a date to thanksgiving. Even if they had only been dating a short while, he never showed up alone.

"No, Ma! Of course not! I love you guys... It's just, our situation is a little...difficult." Derek didn't mean to upset his mother, he wanted Meredith to be welcomed into his mother's home with open arms and he didn't think that could happen while she was still Sam's teacher.

"Difficult!? What about this girl that you obviously have feelings for could be difficult?" Carolyn started to busy herself around the kitchen, the only way she could calm down. It was that damn Irish temper acting up again.

"She's Sam's teacher." Derek said in shame.

"Derek Christopher Shepherd!" Carolyn slapped him with the dish towel in her hand.

Derek flinched and shielded himself. "Dad always said you can't help who you fall in love with! Ma stop hitting me!" Carolyn finally ceased whipping the dish towel at Derek.

"She's her teacher? Derek! What were you thinking!?" Carolyn was definitely protective when it came to her grandbabies.

Derek sat back down on his stool, "Nancy knows and she's okay with it. Please ma, I really really like her." Derek grasped his mother's hand, attempting to use his charm to reassure her.

Carolyn sighed and relented to her son. "Fine, I can tell you really have feelings for this girl. Invite her for thanksgiving please?" Carolyn wanted to meet this girl that seemed to have Derek's heart held captive.

"Ma I can't, Sammy will be here." Derek really wanted Meredith to meet his family, he wanted her to be accepted by the people he loves most.

Carolyn gave her son the signature Maloney smirk, "Nancy and Sam are going to Peter's for thanksgiving." She was so glad she was there to see Derek's face light up. He hadn't smiled like that since before his father passed away.

Carolyn Shepherd needed to prepare herself. This Meredith girl was the one. She was sure of it before even meeting her. Derek had the look, the same look Michael Shepherd used to look at her with.

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