School's out

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Tequila was bad. Actually, tequila was evil. Meredith had decided it was even more evil than her extremely loud fifth grade class. She should not have had that last shot of the delicious amber liquid the night before. She definitely regretted it this morning, like she does every time she goes out drinking on a school night. Not that she does it often, that would look bad to her coworkers and superiors, if they ever found out that is.

It's like all of their parents fed them a bowl of sugar for breakfast this morning. Ugh, I need water. And Advil, do I have Advil? No, damn. Maybe Alex has some. I'll ask him during recess. Ouch, I don't know if I'll make it until then.

These were the thoughts going through a hungover Meredith's head that morning.

Right at that precise moment, a hand shot up. It seemed to be coming from a blurry and quick moving body. Meredith determined it was Samantha Shepherd. She groaned, knowing this would make her headache worse. Oh, what does she want?

"Miss Grey!" Sam shouted a little too loudly for Meredith's liking.

"Yes, Sam?" She lightly responded.

"Miss Grey, can I ask you a question?" Sam asked with a hint of innocence and a hint of corruption.

Meredith was beginning to grow frustrated with the child. You're already asking me a question, she thought. "What is it Sam?" She tried to sound pleasant but it was difficult with the pounding in her head.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Sam's question was met with a few snickers from mainly female students.

"Sam," Meredith started to respond, "that's a personal question. I'm your teacher and we are in what's called a professional setting. Do you understand what that means?"

Sam seemed to understand, saying that it's like when Uncle Derek or Uncle Mark take her to work and she isn't supposed to draw on anything or run around; that she's supposed to be quiet and not interrupt.

"Very good," Miss Grey continued, "when you're in a place of work or study, you have to stay professional and questions like that are not professional, they're personal. It's inappropriate to ask your superiors personal questions." Meredith tried her best to explain the situation in as little words as possible, not wanting to kill all her students so she could rest her eyes and sleep for a few hours, at least.

Sam and the rest of the class seemed to realize it wasn't okay to ask their teacher about her personal life and went back to diligently working on their English projects.

Just a few blocks away from Queen Anne elementary, in an office building belonging to Sloan & Shepherd Contracting, work there seemed to be slower than usual. The phone rang at one of the main desks occupied by none other than Derek Shepherd himself.

The ringing device was blindly picked up by the occupant of the desk. Without checking the caller ID, Derek answered with the company greeting. "Sloan & Shepherd Contracting, how can we be of service for you today?"

A motherly and pleading voice came across the other line, "Derek, dear. Could you do me a favor and pick up Sammy from school today, please? Nancy has to work late tonight and I would do it myself but I've come down with something and I don't want to pass it on to little Sammy."

"Mom?" Derek asked, not expecting a call from his mother. "Oh, um sure!" He quickly recovered. "I have a meeting with client at 2 but it should be done in time. When does her school get out? Do you need me to take you to the doctor? Is it something serious?" Concern for his mother's health swarmed his brain and Derek fired off questions, much like his mother would do if he were in her position.

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