Mother Dearest

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The ride home from Leavenworth was filled with joy and laughter. After that first day, both Meredith and Derek let loose and had a little fun. Their relationship grew stronger, both intimately and literally.

They went shopping in all the little shops in town, bringing back souvenirs for their friends and family. Meredith led Derek into a hot sauce shop where they dipped pretzels in different spices, seeing who could handle the most fire.

Derek convinced Meredith to get an angel kiss from the shop next door, the sales person pressed sparkles in the shape of a star right below the corner of Meredith's left eye. It almost made her feel like a child again. They went to the cheese shop and tasted the signature cheeses, buying a little bit of their favorites.

Together, they walked in the snow through the little mock German town just like a normal couple... They may have even started throwing snow on one another at some point. The whole weekend, they could be themselves... They could be happy and not have to worry about anything getting in between them. They were carefree and in love.

When they returned back to Meredith's house, they were still stuck in their romantic getaway bubble. They stumbled through the front door, unable to keep their hands off of each other.

"Fuck, Meredith." She had slammed him against the wall and enthusiastically grabbed his cock through his jeans. She grinned and pulled the skin away from his neck with her teeth. She released the skin and smoothed the pain away with a sultry stroke of her tongue.

"Uh, Derek." He took dominance and flipped her around so she was now pressed against the wall. He squeezed her ass cheek and pulled her leg up around his waist.

"Meredith." The voice was stern and caught off guard.

Meredith dislodged Derek's ear from her mouth and opened her eyes to look in the foyer. Once she saw what was there, she let out a four-letter curse word and pushed Derek away from her.

"Mom. What are you doing here? Ho- how did you get in?" Meredith stumbled, embarrassed that her mother had caught her in the late stages of foreplay that surely would have led to sex against the wall.

"Did you forget this used to be my house?" Ellis remained cool and collected, despite what she just witnessed her baby girl doing.

Derek didn't really know what to do, he didn't want to turn around and have his girlfriend's mother see what her daughter did to him... But he also didn't just want to stand facing the wall.

"Derek, you can turn around. I know what an erection looks like. I've had my fair share of lovers and I am a doctor." Ellis was way more honest and upfront fully recovered rather than bound to a hospital bed, connected to an IV.

"Mom!" Meredith grabbed her mother by the arm and dragged her into the living room. She made sure her mom was in the room before calling out to Derek in the foyer. "Derek, you can go upstairs"

"Yeah, I'll just-" Derek hurried up the stairs, thinking that Ellis Grey barging in on them was enough to make him go soft, literally.

Meanwhile in the living room, Meredith was still wondering why her mother was suddenly here.

"I wanted to see my daughter. I haven't heard from you in a while and I wanted to make sure you were alright. Am I allowed to check up on my daughter?"

Meredith groaned, feeling like she was sixteen again and being lectured for staying in her room all day instead of going out and engaging with interesting people. "A warning call would have been nice." Meredith rolled her eyes, really bringing back the teenage angst. "It's not always fun to have your mother walk in on..."

Ellis finished the thought for Meredith. "Walk in on her daughter practically having sex with her very attractive boyfriend." Ellis chuckled at the shock apparent on Meredith's face, when she first noticed her and now. "Meredith, if he were my boyfriend, I'd never let him out of the bedroom!"

Meredith's face quickly went from shock to disgust. "Mom! Ew! That's my boyfriend!"

"I know." Ellis said as she looked in the direction of the stairs. "He's very attractive Meredith, is he as good in bed as I think he is?"

Meredith let out a frustrated groan and plopped down on the couch. "I'm not having this discussion with you."

Ellis completely ignored Meredith. "I bet he's a tiger...rawr." She purred like a cat and even moved her hand like a claw, scratching its mate.

"Mom! Stop it!" Meredith was so close to storming into her room, appalled by her own mother.

Ellis let out a hearty laugh and Derek came walking into the room. "Ellis, good to see you." He greeted her with a hug, Meredith was nervous her mother might try to pull a move on him.

"Derek, good to see you too. How's work been?" To Meredith's surprise, Ellis kept her hands to herself.

Derek and Ellis sat down and had a lovely talk. Mentioning everything from work, to Ellis' long time lover; Richard. Meredith sat back in silence, observing the natural finesse Derek had speaking to people. His charisma was one of the reasons she fell in love with him. Of course, he was a little dorky and awkward in the beginning but he got better, only being dorky in a nerdy way.

Meredith's phone started to ring in her purse and she excused herself from the room to answer it.

"Hello?" She asked, not recognizing the number.

"Meredith! Hello dear, it's Carolyn. Derek's mom." Two moms at once? Could there be a more worse hell?

"Yes! Carolyn, hi! How are you?" Meredith paced the hallway, unable to stand still while on the phone.

"Oh, I'm just wonderful! I was calling to see if you'd like to come over sometime and have some cookies and tea? I'd love to get to know more about you, and since Derek won't be there, I can pull out his photo albums without a fight." Carolyn spoke with such joy and hope, it was hard for Meredith to say no.

She paused at entryway to the living room, taking a moment to see her boyfriend joyously laughing with her mother. "Meredith? Dear, are you there?" Carolyn's voice interrupted Meredith's thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry. I would love to come over and talk. Derek and I just got back from Leavenworth today... Does Saturday at 10 a.m. work?" Meredith chewed her nail as she waited for Carolyn's response.

"Sounds perfect! Do you have a cookie request? I can have them fresh out of the oven by the time you get here." Carolyn was so mom and Meredith smiled, thinking of how well her life was turning out to be.

"Derek raves about your snickerdoodles but I haven't tried them yet." Meredith continued to grin into the phone as she watched more bonding with Derek and Ellis.

"Perfect! I was thinking, maybe Derek could come over around lunch and we can all talk, and I can get to know more about the two of you together." Meredith bit her lip, wondering how long her own mother would be here for.

"I'll talk to him about it and let you know on Saturday!" Meredith went back to pacing the hallway.

"See you then, Meredith. Rest up tonight and take care of my boy."

Meredith giggled at her playfully stern voice. "I will, bye Carolyn."

"Goodbye, Meredith." She hung up the phone and placed it back in her purse. Meredith walked back into the living room to see only Derek, she assumed her mom had gone to the bathroom.

"Who was that?" Derek inquired.

"Your mom." She responded with a new sparkle in her eyes.

"What did she want?" Derek placed his hand on Meredith's leg, missing her contact already.

"We are having tea and cookies on Saturday." Meredith lifted her chin, proud that she was liked by his mom.

Derek grinned and kissed her cheek. She told him that his mom wants him over for lunch the same day.

Ellis had returned from the bathroom, a glass of water in hand. Upon hearing the tail end of their conversation, Ellis invited herself to lunch. She also managed to invite herself to stay in Meredith's guest room... Oh, where they in for a treat.

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