All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two

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Pain rippled through her body as she felt herself collied roughly with the ground beneath her feet. Screams erupted through her throat as the pain became unbearable. Ellie's body spasmed as something deep within her began to awake.

Dean watched helplessly, as he cradled his brother's lifeless corpse in his arms. Horror spread through Dean. What would he do if he lost Ellie too? He wouldn't be able to cope with that. Dean felt his chest tighten at the thought of being alone in this world.

"Bobby!" He shouted, the fright evident in his voice. "Bobby, help!!"

Gently, Dean placed his brother's body on the rough dirt as he rushed over to Ellie's side. Her body kept convulsing as if she were being electrocuted. Dean shuttered, remembering how that felt when he had once tazered himself.

The sound of footfalls nearing him, altered Dean that Bobby was approaching. "Please, Bobby. Get Sam." Dean said, as he reached over for Ellie. He knew he wouldn't be able to take them far.

As Dean's hands touched Ellie's body, he felt the familiar tingle he always got when they had embraced each other. Images of their night of passion flowed through his mind only to be cut off by Ellie's piercing cry of agony!

Startled, Dean quickly pulled away from his injured friend. Bobby rushed to his side, concern and fear plaguing his face. "What happened?"

"I don't know. I tried to pick her up and she just started screaming." Dean respond, as Ellie curled into a ball. The pain was far too great for her to explain.

She had no idea why Dean's touch burned her. Darkness threatened to consume Ellie as she felt her strength being drained from her. She could hear Dean and Bobby shouting for her to stay away, but the pain was too much. She just wanted to sleep and go to the place where Sam was. She wanted to be released from her Hell.

Dean felt his heart shatter as Ellie's body went limp. What was he to do now? How could he fight Azazel on his own, knowing that all his loved ones had left him? His family was his strength, though Dean would never admit it to anyone.

Without his little brother to boss around or the love his life to rely on when things became too much, Dean had become lost. he had no thoughts of what he was going to do next. he knew he would have to go track Azazel down and kill the bastard for what he had done, yet he could find the strength to get  up. Why should he? Everyone he had ever loved was dead.

He was alone.

"Dean?" Bobby's voice broke through his subconscious thoughts.

Dean turned to face Bobby, pushing himself off the doorway. Confusion spread through Dean. How long had he been in thought that he was now inside one of the old house, staring at his brothers body?

"Bought you this back." Bobby said, motioning to the bucket of chicken in his hand.

"No thanks, I'm fine." Dean muttered, turning back to face his brother.

Bobby's concern for Dean only rose as he saw how distraught Dean was becoming. Bobby sighed heavily as he place the chicken down on the old, worn out dining table.

Dean felt the void in his chest growing bigger with every passing second. He knew what he had to do to make himself feel whole again. He knew how much he'd be hated for it, but he was too much of a coward to deal with losing his family. Dean knew how she'd react to this. He knew how much Ellie would come to hate him for his selfish desire.

But he didn't care. He wanted them back.


White entered my vision as my eyes snapped open. Every inch of my body felt like it had been hit by a bulldozer. My skin was blazing as I shifted around uncomfortably on the familiar old, purple themed queen bed.

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