Chapter 47

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47. Mike's Makeover


I looked at the pathetic human curled up on the forest floor, covered in odiferous bodily fluids and waste products. I couldn't help the feeling of satisfaction that flooded me, and I heard Jasper chuckle beside me.

"Darn tootin'," Jasper declared. "Creepy perv got what he deserved. What the heck was he thinking, trespassing on our property and spying on us? The waves of envy and lust radiating from him were enough to make me sick."

"Ha! Well, he thinks humans are at the top of the food chain," I snickered. "NOT! He probably thinks they are the smartest creatures on the planet too. Shows how stupid he is."

The wolves had phased back to their human forms and were looking disgustedly down at Newton's unconscious form.

"Coward!" Jared sneered, spitting on the boy.

I rubbed my hands together. "Well, the girls want a piece of the action, so we need to get this piece of trash back to the house and clean it up a bit before we hand it over."

Jake bared his teeth unpleasantly. "You mean we have to touch it?"

I nodded understandingly. "Yeah, sick, I know, but we do have bleach at the house we can use to clean our hands with afterwards."

We all sighed and wrinkled our noses. Sometimes a man's got to do what a man's got to do, whether he likes it or not. So Jasper and I each grabbed an ankle, while Embry and Jared each took hold of a wrist. Jacob was supposed to make sure his head didn't hit anything while we walked back through the woods, but I don't think he was terribly diligent about fulfilling his duties, judging by the state of Mike's hair by the time we got back to the yard.

We set him down in a clear patch, and I ran to get the hose while the others removed his clothes, trying to touch them as little as possible. I started hosing him off to get him clean. There was no way Esme would let him into the house in his current condition. The wolves went to share an edited version of the story with Quil, Seth, and Ben. The rest of the details would be given to Quil and Seth once Ben was asleep.

Jasper nudged Mike with his foot, rolling him over so I could hose off his back. Ick. Maybe the kid should wear a diaper. None of his clothes were salvageable. Jasper tensed and backed up beside me. I looked at him in confusion until a furious Carlisle appeared in front of us. I had been so distracted I hadn't even heard his car come down the driveway.

"Stop this instant!" Carlisle growled angrily. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Wow! I wasn't sure I'd ever heard Carlisle cuss before. I didn't know he had it in him. He must be really, really mad. I immediately stopped spraying water on Mike.

"I was just cleaning him up, Dad," I defended myself, hoping to save myself from serious consequences. "You know Esme wouldn't let him in her nice clean house smelling like this."

I saw his jaw clench and heard his teeth grind together as he fought to control his anger. Yikes. I'd never, ever seen Carlisle this close to losing it before, and I didn't want to be within 100 miles of him if he ever did. I could only imagine what over 360 years of suppressed anger and frustration would look like when it finally erupted. Mt. Vesuvius would look like child's play in comparison.

"Would one of you please explain to me why there is a naked boy lying on the ground in our back yard, becoming hypothermic as ice cold water is sprayed on his unconscious form, and his clothes reek of werewolf urine?" He glared at all of us, daring us to explain this to his satisfaction. Jasper squared his shoulders and stepped forward. Dang, that boy is brave.

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